💔true colors💔

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I woke up early because I had a longer shift today. I kissed Al´s forehead sweetly and left him a note as to where I´d be and when I´d be back home.  I got dressed in my normal attire and went to work. I was walking and eating a breakfast burrito I made for myself. Al woulda worried if I hadn´t eaten. Poor thing needed me today, but yesterday Stolas told me he needed me in for another chick. I never wanted to leave his side, but I couldn´t risk falling outta this job and Val being my only option again. I´m suprised yesterday I fought back! I´m suprised I didn´t fall into a flashback either. I then saw Val at the corner I was walking by. I rolled my eyes and walked by him, until I felt dizzy. I was about to talk but… the words wouldn´t come out.

¨Would you like to come work for me Angel?¨

No! No way you dick!

¨Of course Boss! Anything for you!¨ Was he… controlling me!? I panicked and tried moving every inch of my body… but nothing could move. Val smirked to me.

¨I´m going to have so much fun torturing you and that little Venison Vermon you call a boyfriend~ Or should I say ex-boyfriend?¨ No no no! He forced me to pull out my phone and call Alastor.

¨Morning my dear. How are you?¨ He sounded so sweet and tired. It was early for Al to be awake! He needed rest. My eyes looked to Val begging to make this stop.

¨I´m breaking up with you. You´re a waste of my time. Just some dumb fling I never shoulda started.¨ 

Bambi no! I didn´t mean it! Please! C´mon Angel! C´mon get something out! C´mon! I fought and fought and fought! Only 1 thing came out.

¨HELP!¨ Val forced me to hang up… and tears streamed from my eyes as I was forced to walk back to my old hell. I cried but had a smile plastered on my face.

Al please save me… I´m stuck in my damn head! I love you!

I didn´t want to be in this hell hole! I didn´t want to see any of my old friends. I didn´t want to be in that tiny room that I was confined to for hours on end!!! I tried fighting back. I used everything I had to fight. I had tears running down my face. I was shoved into that little room that scared me and was forced to change into a short black dress. A man came in and took me by my arm and put that collar I hated so much. He took me and I forced a smile as he dragged me away.


I dropped my phone… my tears swelling in my eyes. I saw a note on my stand.

Hey Bambi!

I got work today! I´m so sorry! I´ll miss you all day and hope you feel ok! I will be back as soon as I can! I had to get up early and really didn´t want to wake that adorable face of yours!

-Angel Dust

I was confused as to why he´d leave this note for me after… that. I got up and walked downstairs. Molly was laughing with Charlie. I didn´t know what to do… everything hurt. Molly looked to me and ran to me.

¨Hey Hey Hey Al. Why you cryin´ sweetheart?¨ She wiped my tears and smiled gently to me. I looked into her eyes… and saw genuine concern. ¨C´mon, you can talk to me. I got you.¨

¨Angel just broke up with me… over the phone…. But he left this with me this morning.¨ She looked at the note.

¨Alastor… then that wasn´t Angel. He never does anyhting over the phone like that.¨ I looked to her confused and she smiled.

¨Boys used to send friends of his to break up with him… it hurt everytime to be disrespected like that. He swore if he fell out of love with someone, he´d give them the decency that was never extended to him. Alastor… I think you need to breathe… and remember anything that seemed odd in the call.¨  I thought and thought through the cloud of depression. I loved Angel… I fought for him. With all my heart… I would give anything for his happiness. Though that one word went through my head.

🎼🌙Fly Me To The Moon🌙🎼 (FMTTM Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now