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(A/N: I finally got Ch.15 done. I hope ya'll enjoy. Sorry if anything is OOC. I try to stay in character bit sometimes I get a little lost in the characters myself. Soooo if I do mess up, sorry.)


Angel caught up on all his work so today was a relaxing day. He and I have been through so much this week, so we just wanted to enjoy one another´s company. The hotel was always crowded so of course we loved staying at the estate. I looked over in bed to see him passed out tiredly. Angel worked really hard on a daily basis, so I decided to let him sleep in. He held me close to his chest and I gladly snuggled closer to him. 

¨Al… don´t go...¨ Angel spoke in his sleep and I was confused. I looked up nad saw tears falling down his cheeks. ¨Don´t go...¨ I sat up and ran my fingers through his hair, which immediately calmed him.

¨I´m right here Angel. It´s ok. I won´t go.¨ Angel´s body seemed to lessen in tension and he calmed down. Must have been having a bad dream. He woke up a bit and looked to me with a small smile.

¨Hey sugar.¨ Angel laid his head in my chest and seemed still exhausted. ¨What time is it baby?¨ He yawned as I checked my phone.

¨4 am Angel.¨ He groaned and snuggled me, pulling my face into his chest fluff like always. ¨Angel dear, are you alright?¨ He yawned.

¨Yeah babe, just… haven´t been sleeping.¨  I looked to him and pulled away from our snuggle causing him to groan. ¨Babe c´mon, I´m fine! I just need to snuggle with ya.¨ I chuckled. I laid down and pulled Angel onto my chest. He snuggled into my chest sweetly. ¨Actually this is way more comfortable.¨ 

I laughed a bit.

¨Well for me, listening to your heartbeat has helped me rest.¨ I said gingerly. I heard soft snoring and I smiled. Angel was already asleep. I chuckled and fell back asleep aswell.


I woke up at about noon suprisingly and saw Alastor gone. I dressed in a sleevless light pink dress that brought out my curves. It had a bit of a built in corset and I tightened it till it was comfortable. It had a large dip in the front causing my fluff to come out and be pushed up cutely. I loved it. Just at the top area of the dress was bows and a white lace covered the whole dress. I spun and it flared out causing me to giggle. I ran downstairs to find my adorable deer boy!~

I rounded the corner.

¨Afternoon babe!¨ I looked to see Alastor speaking to a guy who made him uncomfortable. I immediately realized what the ever loving hell was going on. I skipped over and held his hands.

¨Bambi! We gotta get some lunch together hottie!¨ Alastor blushed and the guy looked confused. I chuckled and dragged him away, until the guy grabbed Alastor´s hand. My immediate instinct was to punch him in the face and skip off with my boyfriend. Key word was ¨my¨ boyfriend. Anyone who touched Alastor had to deal with me, just like they had to deal with Alastor if the tables were turned. Alastor smiled and wrapped an arm around my waist. I giggled as we walked, looking for a place to eat.

¨Sorry if I flipped back there Bambi, I just get so fucking jealous! I don´t know why…” Alastor´s grip on my waist tightened, causing me to think he was upset with how I reacted.

¨I know how you feel… it was frustrating for me when I saw you that one night with that other man.¨ I panicked… he meant the night before I was kicked out. I looked to him and kissed his cheek sweetly.

¨I´m sorry about that. I swear it meant nothing to me. Dancing with you… meant everything to me.¨ I blushed at admitting these feelings, but… I didn´t want Alastor to feel jealous ever. ¨When you sang to me, I felt like… you only had your eyes on me. You made me feel so special and loved. I felt once your hands were off my waist… that specialness leave.¨ We made eye conatact and that sly smirk sent shivers down my spine. Alastor kissed my cheek gently and I giggled, then he kissed my neck. As always would cause me to blush and gasp. I had to push Al´s face away.

🎼🌙Fly Me To The Moon🌙🎼 (FMTTM Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now