Chapter 17

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Lauren’s POV:

Camila and the dark skinned  girl were sitting on the bed while me and the tall girl was standing to face them. It was awkward cause I just caught the dark skinned girl's eyes glued to me. Brr.... shudder..shudder...

I've gotta admit she's pretty though. But it doesn't feel right.

"Since Camila didn't remember us, might as well introduce ourselves." The tall girl cleared her throat then looked at Camila. Her expression was.....weird. Just by the way she look at her makes me feel uncomfortable. 

"I'm Dinah." The taller girl smiled. "And the one who tackled you earlier is Normani."

"Hey Hey!" Normani cheered. "Mani’s the name!"

"We've been friends since 3rd grade. Don't you remember?" Dinah asked.

I just looked at Camila. She closed her eyes then scratch the back of her neck. "Hmm..." 

"Are you really that old to forget things?" I chuckled.

"Sshh,, I'm thinking." Camila snapped.

"Okay... Okay.. sorry." I whispered.

"Shhhh ! "She snapped again.

I stayed quiet for a moment before-

"I remember now !." Camila said then opened her eyes. "Mani ate my snacks. " 

"I was hoping she would forget that." Normani sighed. "Anyway...." Then another hug came over to Camila. "I missed you so much!! I haven't seen you in like.....forever!" 

"And I remember Dinah." Camila smiled. "You were my wifey, right? We got married at the playground when we were 5." She giggled.

"Well I am still you're wife." Dinah winked.

"Wait...Wait....Wait... Married?" I interrupted.

"Don't worry, Lauren. It was just pretend." Camila laughed. "Oh my gosh guys, I missed you so much! I can't believe I forgot about you two."

"You're still the same Camila we know." Normani giggled. Then I caught her taking quick glances at me. Weird. "Anyway...who's this? You're girlfriend?"

"N-No." Camila said. "She's Lauren. She's my best friend." 

"Oh." Normani batted her eyelashes at me making me took a step back. "Lauren, huh?"

"Uhmm... H-Hi?"

"Hey, I hope we can be good friends." Dinah smiled as she held her hand out.

I gradually shake it and smiled back. " too." 

"Okay! Introductions over! Let's go get some coffee!" Normani shouted as she quickly grab Camila's arm and drag her downstairs. I could even hear Camila yelping.

"Is she always like that?"  I asked Dinah who was busy smoothing her shirt. 

"Yup. So get use to it dawg." She patted my back then went downstairs.

This is gonna be a long day.



Camila’s POV: 

"I forgot my purse." I said as I searched my pocket. 

"It's okay. It's on Dinah and me, so be happy." Normani smiled cheekily. "Consider this as a welcome back celebration." 

"I don't get you at all, Mani." I sighed.

"That's what you always told me, Mila." She stopped skipping then looked at me. "And guess what? I'm used to it!!"

My Best Friend's Girlfriend (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now