Chapter 21

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Lauren’s POV:

Flowers? They're dating and she can't even say it to me in person. She can love another girl but why not me? I'm the first one. Or maybe not the first.... But I'm the one who's always there for her. 

I just shook my head and look up at the blu-- I mean gray sky. My head was burning up.... no.... My entire body is burning. I got a slight headache that I think it's worse than yesterday.  Then I heard someone calling my name. I looked behind me and saw Camila, running towards me. 

I can't help but feel a little guilty and feel a little faint, I guess. My head was spinning and my body's getting heavy and heavy the more steps I take.  And beads of sweat began to drip on my face. 

"Lauren!" Camila shouted. I don't know which Camila said that since I'm beginning to see double. 

Then everything went black.



Dinah’s POV: 

I was sitting in my room, facing the flowers that I'm suppose to give to Mani this evening. Somehow  it made me feel even worse just thinking about what happened.

"What'll I do?" I muttered under my breath. 

I shifted my attention at the clock that keeps ticking across my bed. The thing that I asked the restaurant  will start at 9:00 p.m. so....wait...

A smile gently, spread across my face.  "I hope this'll work."


Lauren’s POV:

I slowly opened my eyes as a groan escape on my mouth. This 

I was lying on a bed, covered with a blanket. A cold towel on my forehead, the room smells like roses, and there was a poorly lited candle beside me. 

"You're awake." I look at the person sitting at the very corner and saw Camila, who was reading another book, Fifty Shades Of Grey. 

"What happened?" I asked. A shiver escaped on my spine so I pulled the blanket close to me. It was so cold, my teeth began to chatter. 

Camila let out a heavy sigh then closed the book. "You're such an idiot Lauren Michele!" She shouted. "Why didn't you tell me you have a fever?!" 

"I-I don't know." I answered, quietly. "I don't know I have this stupid fev-"

"You should've told me when the headaches started and... and... that temperature of yours is high." She scolded me like I was a child. "You collapsed at the sidewalk, Good thing I was there to get you home." 

"Well, How can I tell you if you were busy flirting with Dinah?!" I practically screamed, even though I feel weak in every word I say.


Then everything in the room became silent. 


Normani’s POV:

I was crying my eyes out on my room. My heart was shattered..... 2 times in a row. The reason? They all love my best friend, Camila. Nobody loves me. That's why I need to stop hoping that the one might come and sweep me off my feet. 

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