Thę Wå†er

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        So here i was, sitting in my tent. I had packed for every scenario. I had a trunk of books and a duffle bag full of sweats and sweatshirts, and oh yeah a bikini my mom had made me pack. Which might i add would never see the light of day. I was wearing my only pair of jean shorts and a huge berkely sweater. Reading something about love at first sight, when i heard my mom call for me. This royally pissed me off, because this was the part of the trip where i was a loud to sulk and be happy in my tent and avoid humans all together. I got up and crawled out of my tent, which only just fit my 6 foot self. I stood and put on my flip flops, because the ground was covered in sharp rocks and it hurt to walk over. She beckoned me over to the neighbors camp. This camp was extreme, it looked like it had been there for a month. A lot of the people i had seen we're at the beach i knew this because when i had gotten up for food a hour or so ago i saw about 5 people walking away from the area and it was pretty empty other than our two camps. 

        " hey honey, meet daisy." My mom  said gesturing to the women in the chair next to her. The lady looked old and beautiful. All of her hair was pure white, but unlike most old ladies her hair was full and bushy, and her face was pale, but it most glowed it was a milky color, and her eyes looked like the ocean i could see off the cliff of the camp site.  

" hi i'm ivy" I stated reaching out my hand and shaking hers, but instead of weak and frail like i expected she was strong and smiled and me with a look that made me feel like a small child. I smiled at her and i could feel i would like this lady. She was wearing long skirt, different shades of brown and a loose shirt that was tucked in, with deep purple boots on with buckles all over them, i was in love with these shoes.

" so do you need anything mom?" I looked at her. She pointed to the buckets.

" can you fill up the water buckets please?" she said in a voice that made it sound less of a question and more of and order. I stomped over to the water buckets, plugging my head phones into my ear as i did. I picked up the first two and slowly walked across the camp sites, cutting threw other peoples camp site. no one minded me. 

        I stood there and waited, the water poured out of a spout in the ground and you had to wait  few minutes from them to be full. I  stood there listening to the soundtrack of 'warm bodies' Which i was obsessed with. 

 My eyes wondered over to the beach, or the road down to the beach. The camp site was placed a bit back from a cliff that went straight down to the rocky part of the beach no one went to, their were a few houses between the far end of the camp and the cliff, but near the entrance there was a road fisherman and people at the camp use to get down to the beach, at the bottom of the really steep road the beach made a half moon shape and curved from about 2 miles, then turned off with Sharp rocks so you couldn't go down any further unless extremely low tides and you could rock climb. I loved this beach. people usually only hung out on the first mile. the last half was left for people like me, which there usually weren't, which was totally fine with me. I liked having a place for myself. Only on really sunny days could you see the rocky part of the beach, usually the beach was covered in fog and mist, so you couldn't see about 10 feet in front  of you. 

I was looking around and i forgot about the water, i looked down when my feet felt wet, Dam i let it over flow. I grabbed the two full buckets and walked back very slowly, trying not to spill.

When i got back the people from the Beach where back. I studied them, they all seemed very free love and seemed to be smoking some Mary J. I instantly had a memory bubble up from freshmen year when i was into drugs and that whole crowd an dhow it ended badly, just the smell brought back memories of days laying in trees near the hills where it was to be said that creatures would snatch you and eat you. When i still thought stories like that were fake. But then again 3 years ago i wouldn't have believed it either. I knew things in this world weren't as they seemed, that's why i was so in frequently involved in it anymore, I just couldn't see the point anymore.  

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