(Chapter 2) Class Fight

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Skull and Mask were walking through the halls of the humongous academy.

Skull:I don't know why people are so afraid of death.

Mask: I agree. It's just another part of life.

Skull: You start in the womb and you end in the tomb.

They continued to walk up the stairs. Until Mask caught on to something.

Mask:Wait a second where is everyone?

Skull: I don't know if it's because it's just cold in here, but I'm getting kind of a creepy chill down my back.

Skull and Mask stopped and looked at each other.

Skull and Mask: I love it!

Until they saw a ghost (of a pop tart) walk through the walls behind them and dashed to a hallway of doors.

Mask: What even was that?

Skull: Scary. What's the room number again?

Mask: 222

They looked three different doors.

Skull: 221

Mask: 223

Skull and Mask: 222

Skull and Mask entered the classroom, only to get scolded by their teacher Mrs. Crabapple.

Mrs. Crabapple: Class, would you like to inform Skull and Mask of what rule they did not follow today?

Everyone: When the bell rings, you must begin your assigned seat.

Mrs. Crabapple: What are you deaf? Sit your assses down!

Skull and Mask: Sorry Mrs. Crabapple.

Skull and Mask immediately went to their seats. The speaker, began to ring.

Speaker: All must stand for the pledge of alligence.

Mrs. Crabapple: All rise!

Everyone beg to stand up, except for one purple haired girl who stayed in her seat.

Mrs Crabapple: Paisley! On your feet!

Everyone else began to say the pledge of allegiance.

Mrs. Crabapple: I'm being very generous with you girl. Last chance to stand and show some respect.

Everyone else: With liberty and justice for all.

When everyone else finished they returned to their seats.

Paisley: You hear that? Liberty and justice for all? That's bullshit.

Mrs Crabapple went to her desk and pressed a button. That summoned some guards to take Paisley away.

"Grab the girl, get this one."

Everyone else turned back to their desk and continued their activities.

It was the middle of class and teacher wasn't looking
Blazer had a fat ass and trouble was looking
She had a boy wrapped around her finger tight I was in love with him
But he wasn't in my life

Blazer threw a note at Skulls head he stopped what he was doing and uncalled the note.

He saw a stick figure on the ground with X's on its eyes next to a tombstone, the drawing was below words that said 'You At Recess'.

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