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It was a sunny day in Inkopolis, birds were chirping, the sun was shining. We start our adventure at a little purple house.

"Wake up you're going to be late."

Skull's p.o.v
Wait, what was my dream again?

'I remember feeling trapped in heat and there were plastic or cardboard cutouts all around me, and my gum roots were pushing out my and the voice of a thousand angels said to me "It's temporary."

I got up and went to my calendar to draw a heart around a day that I marked 'The first day of hell.'

'Maybe that should be my mantra as I step into what will inevitably be the worst years of my life. Ah, yes, off to a world in which girls are to only wear pinks dresses, and boys blue pants. Well I dyed my pants and embroided stars on the sleeves.'

I stepped into my closet to change.

'Speaking of, I should probably change into my uniform right now...Nah that shit's itchy, it can wait.'

I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

'Oh yea, and in my dream, you know when the air below me was sucking my teeth out of their sockets, I noticed that my front two teeth stayed, and the gap between them just kept getting larger and larger. How's that even possible? I know right?'

I left for the kitchen to eat breakfast.

'I wish my Mom wasn't passed out right now and could at least drive me to the bus stop.'

I was getting ready to pour cereal into my bowl when I heard and felt something in the box that shouldn't be in there. I looked inside to see my little troublemaking pet tarantula in the box.

'Phillipe? What are you doing in there?'

I shake the box on the table to get him out.

'Don't scare me like that.'

I began to eat breakfast.

'What was that angel's name again? Was it Gary or Google? (LOL) No, I think it was Goggles.'

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