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Play the song above when you see this {💜💙}.

Skull's p.o.v.
I got out of my real bed, I'm still thinking about the fact that K-12 was nothing but a dream. I looked at the time and decided to get ready for school, I still had to wear a uniform but at least it wasn't itchy like that last one from my dream....it was a piece of shit anyway. I packed my bag and was getting ready to leave until I saw composition book in my bag. I don't remember putting that in there. I opened it up and a note fell out, I picked it up and opened it. It said:

'Write about what you experience at your school everyday' G

Time skip (at the real school) also no one's p.o.v.

I found all my friends and we all group hugged each other we were all so happy. But there was only one thing on their minds that they asked each other.

Mask: So skull did you get a composition book to?

Skull: Yeah what about you guys.

Rider: Totally I think Goggles has something to do with this. Don't you guys agree?

Goggles: Indeed I do have something to do with this.

Everyone: Goggles?!

Goggles: Yes, it is me, and you guys have quite a lot catching up to do.

Everyone looked at each other and wondered. What type of people are gonna try to get in their way or stop them? How did Goggles become mortal and exist in their world? Will Aviators actually confess his love to Skull? And why does this all have something to do with the composition book labeled" After School"?

I've never fit into any category, always deemed an outcasts
Since I was in Sunday school
And all the cool kids said I was weird, it's exactly the same they say
Why do dress that way why do act that way
Why aren't you just like me, so is that what you really wanna say to me you playing games with me
Telling me you're for my kind still you abandon me
Calling me words I'm not painting a picture that's false
You must not no my heart but I know it isn't your fault, you live a world in your clutch
You don't get out very much
Living in a fake world full of facades and chaotic behavior, you pull the lever for fun yell fire than you just run
Fire drill
What would happen if a nuke just hit, would you say bye to your family would you post about it
Fire drill
If it all went up in flames one day, would you give your mom a hug before your house burned away
It kills I~ wish the for you and you think I ignore you to but
Maybe I'm trying to live my own life, be present more and so should you it's alright to
Crying inside
Cause nothing I say ever comes out right, we're on the same side
If I'm honest baby you just run and hide
I'm bad at public spending but I'm speaking now so here me out, I personally thought everyone is fully capable
Of more than what they're doing
All of the bullying all of the screwing around, with people they don't even really know
Eating a hate soufflé and an anger bitter sorbet
All cause you were bored someday, losing your wits and your grace
Fire drill
What would happen if a nuke just hit, would you say bye to your family would you post about it
Fire drill
If it all went up in flames one day, would give your mom a hug before your house burned away
It kills I wish the best for you and you
Think I ignore you to but, maybe I'm trying to live my own life
Be present more and so should you it's alright to
I am not the government, I am not the fucked up men
I am not a part of anything that is hateful
Love is seeping out my pores, I don't hold anger anymore
Even for those who hurt and betray me Ok
I am not the government, I am not the fucked up men
I am not a part of anything that is hateful
Love is seeping out my pores I don't hold anger anymore, even for those who hurt and betray me
Fire drill
What would happen if a nuke just hit, would you say bye to your family would you post about it
Fire drill
If it all went up in flames one day, would you give your mom a hug before your house burned away
It kills I wish the best for you and
You think I ignore you to but, maybe I'm trying to live my own life
Be present more and so should you it's alright to.


Cutestpoptart: I'm getting out of here.

Thank you all soooo much for choosing this book I hope you enjoyed it and again I thank you for reading:

Thank you all soooo much for choosing this book I hope  you enjoyed it and again I thank you for reading:

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See you soon peeps bye.

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