(Chapter 3) The principal

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Mrs. Crabapple was holding Skull and Blazer by the ears, while taking them to the waiting room for the principal's office.

Mrs. Crabapple: Now sit down! I mean it.

The two sat down in the chairs.

Skull's p.o.v.
I shouldn'tve lost control like that. She's not a bad person, she's just projecting her insecurities onto me.

Blazer's p.o.v.
He didn't even leave a mark on me. I broke skin.

No one's p.o.v.

Meanwhile in the principal's office. Mrs. Crabapple lit a cigar for him

Principal Ernest: You said you dress as a woman now?

Teacher: Yes, I'm transitioning. Look-

Principal Ernest: Transitioning? No no I can't permit you to influence the children with this ridiculous behavior. And so what from now on you want us to address you as-

Teacher: Mrs. Harper. Correct.

Mrs. Crabapple laughed at his words.

Mrs. Harper: The kids really connect with me. I love my job and I'd really like to stay but I need to be my most authentic self. I am a woman.

Mrs. Crabapple: A woman? You hear this?

Principal Ernest: Mr. Harper you're fired!

Back in the waiting room. Blazer was still furious from the event that happened in the playground, she looked over to see Clam Face Mask eating glue for some odd reason, and Skull looked over to see Squid Stitch putting some pills into her hand.

Skull: What are those?

Squid Stitch: He forces us to take these pills. Each color is a different dosage. I'm on pink it's the lightest dose.

Skull: Why is he forcing medication on everyone?

Squid Stitch: To control us. So we can't leave.

Blazer was starting to get annoyed with Clams Mask.

Blazer: That's fucking disgusting!

Skull used his powers to slightly open the office door for the Mr. Harper to escape, while grabbing a telephone out of nowhere and called the principal himself.


Sneaky, greedy, money seeking, always peeping, fucking creepy
Got it on the down low so you think you always squeaky
What if I had told your mother
Her son was a cruel motherfucker!
It's not just me it's everybody who thinks that you're fucking ugly
When you come and hurt us just so you can get your money
First to follow the leader
Was being possessed by demons
I tried to make you listen but you want it your way right?
Killing kids all day and night
Prescription pills and online fights shooting at the angels while
Claiming you're the good guy
All you want is cash and hype fuck all dreams and that's not right
~the principal ooooh~ oh it's the principal~
~oh where's the principal~oh it's the principal
Complicated overrated
You're fixated I'm belated
By the separation in this place that you've created
Fuck all of your rules and and guidelines you shouldn't even be on the sidelines
Can't you see that we're all hurting?
If you're not teaching we're not learning
Excuse me how much are you earning?
I've tried to make you listen but you want it your way right killing kids all day and night
Prescription pills and online fights shooting at the angels while claiming you're the good guy
All you want is cash and hype fuck our dreams and that's not right
~the principal ooooh~oh it's the principal~
~ oh it's the principal~ oh it's the principal~
~ oh it's the principal~
You don't even know the pain that you are causing
Your actions hurt so do your words
The more you try to fuck us over we will be there yelling at your front door
I've tried to make you listen but you want it your way right?

A few bunny doctors came in and the principal almost dead.

Mrs. Crabapple: Idiots! Save him!

They injected him with a medicine that brought him back to life.

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