(Chapter 8) Lunchbox Friends

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Skull's p.o.v.
I felt like I was incased in bubbles, in a field of light pink flowers, in a sea of stars. I felt exhausted, I felt like.....like I was in pain. That was until Goggles started talking to me.

Goggles: What's wrong, my dear?

Skull: I just don't want to do this anymore. I don't want to feel this pain and I don't want to be here on Earth. Please just take me with you. I just want to be up there.

Goggles: The greatest power you will hold is that of acceptance. Any storm you face will become a crystalline rainbow. In divine timing.

No one's p.o.v.
Mask was trying wake Skull up from zoning out, from what he saw.

Mask: Hey.

Skull: Hmm?

Rider: You there?

Skull: Yeah.

The three boys made their way up the stairs for their next class, until Mask started to hold his stomach tightly.

Skull: You ok?

Mask: Aah, I feel so sick. Like this is the worst stomach pain I've ever experienced.

(A/N again look I know they're boys but I'm still going on with the story soo...just deal with it)

Mask couldn't take it anymore and fell to his knees, both Skull and Rider saw the cause of the problem....Mask was on his period.

Rider and Skull: Oooooh...

Time skip (in the bathroom)
The three boys entered the bathroom with Mask speed walking.

Mask:Ugh why right now?!

Rider: Well...I mean it had to happen sometime.

Skull: It says there's one tampon left. Do either of you have any change?

Rider and Mask: No.

Skull knew exactly what to do....use his powers. The dispenser opened up immediately.

Skull: Yes!


Skull: It's fucking empty. Whatever. Who knows what kind shit's in them anyways.

Rider: I mean, toxic shock, is real but still, tampons should be free.

Mask: What do I do now?

Skull and Rider looked at each other.

Skull and Rider: Toilet paper.

A minute passed, since Mask went into the stall to use the toilet paper.

Rider: You good in there?

Mask: Yeah.

Rider: You sure?

Mask: Yeah, I'm almost done.

Rider: Need me to get you another roll of toilet paper?

Mask: That'd be great, yeah.

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