(Chapter 6) Drama Club

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After the events that occurred in in the nurses office, Skull and Mask were walking down the hall together as usual, until Mask looked at his watch.

Mask: Oh no. I'm gonna be late for class.

Skull: Who cares at this point.

Mask: True.

Skull: I'm so exhausted.

Mask: Same.

Then they started to hear music coming from somewhere.

Skull: Do you hear that?

Mask: I do. I think it's coming from over here.

The two boys walked over to the door and put their ears close to it.

Skull: Should we check it out?

Mask: Yeah!

Skull: Together on three.

Both: One, two, three!

They opened the doors together to see, a bunch of ghosts waltzing, spinning, and dancing. It looked beautiful.....until Skull sneezed which made everything stop and the ghosts turned to them. Skull and Mask were getting worried.

Skull: Uh hello.

Mask: You all look ravishing.

Skull: Bewitching to.

The ghost turned from quiet to screeching running towards the two boys who went behind the doors and closed them quickly.

Skull: We should get to class. Bye.

Mask:Okay see you. Bye.

Time skip (in the auditorium)

Mr. Cornwell: Tragedy and comedy. Two sides of the dramatic coin and we are going to explore both in this play.

Skull opened the doors to the auditorium and looked for a seat. Mr. cornwell saw him come in.

Mr. Cornwell: Even the late comers.

Everyone turned to stare at him and he gave a look back.

Mr. Cornwell: Alright everyone. Please turn to your scripts. Look to page two and find the roles to which you were assigned.

Skull raised his hand.

Skull: Um right, so about that. Um is it possible to get assigned a different role? Maybe one that's not so domestic? Like a film director? Or the president of the United States.

Mr. Cornwell: A harlot perhaps.

Everyone began to laugh.

Blue Sailor: President? What a joke. Your kind are too soft and too sensitive to handle a mans job.

Skull: Having a larger capacity to feel and express emotion are one of the many qualities that make us superior to your kind.

Everyone became shocked by his words.

Everyone is so soft, everyone is so sensitive
Do I offend you? You're hanging on my sentences
You can keep your costume and you can keep your masks
I'ma take a bow so you could kiss my ass
I never signed up for your drama
Up for your drama, up for your drama club.
I never signed up for your drama
Up for your drama club.
They try to feed you lines that you have to memorize
You always hide behind your wizard of oz disguise
Do you even have a brain? You're sticking to a page
You're faking all your pain, yeah, you're bleeding on a stage.
I never signed up for your drama
Up for your drama, up for your drama club
I never signed up for for your drama up for your drama club
I never signed up for your drama up for your drama
Up for your drama club
I never signed up for your drama up for your drama up for your drama club.
I don't wanna be an actress, living by a script.
Who cares about practicing? I don't give a  shit.
You're over-analyzing every word I say
There's a whole world out there, you're living a play
Fuck your auditorium, I think it's pretty boring and
I never signed up for drama, up for your drama up for your drama club

During a part of the play skull put the iron up to the other kids face, and turned to the brainwashed audience.

Skull: You're being brainwashed!

Mr. Cornwell: What is this? What is he doing? Go get him! Go on!

The guards began rushing towards the stage trying to apprehend him.

Skull: Can't you see what's happening? Open your fucking eyes!

The guards were trying to take him off the stage.

Skull: Get off of me! Get off! WAKE UP!

A spellbound tidal wave hit the entire audience and everyone began to wake up and look around. In just a few seconds they all rushed out auditorium and into the principals office.

I never signed up never signed up never signed up for your drama club~
I never signed up for your drama up for your drama
Up for your drama club
I never signed up for your drama club
I never signed up for your drama up for your drama
Up for your drama club~

A few hours later, after the students were done tearing the principal apart limb by limb. Skull and Mask were done burying him in schools courtyards.

Skull: Wanna play tennis?

Mask: Ooh yeah!

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