(Chapter 10) Detention

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Meanwhile back in the cafeteria, the food fight was still going on Skull and Aloha came back and joined the other 3 boys behind the serving counter.

Mask: Skull, Over here!

They scurried themselves over to them.

Skull: This is, Aloha.

They didn't know that Blazer's friend Bamboo looked behind her and saw Aloha, she tapping Blazer's shoulder.

Blazer: Bamboo! What did we talk about? Don't touch me!

Bamboo: I know I'm sorry, I know, but isn't that Skull with Aloha over there?

Blazer turned and she was pissed.

Rider: It's crazy over there.

Mask: It's chaotic.

Everything was all fun, games, and flying food, until the doors opened and a two bunny doctors came in along with a blue and red headed boy.

Diver: Its Vintage.

Bobble: It's the principal's son.

Everyone stopped throwing food, everyone stopped running around laughing. Vintage took a good look around the room.

Vintage: Who started this?

Blazer being the bitch she is took her chance to get Skull in trouble.

Blazer: It was that bitch Skull. Behind the counter.

She pointed to Skull's location.

Time skip (in the detention room)

The bunny doctors took Skull to the detention room and restrained him to a desk he screamed wanting to be released but the detention teacher slapped her ruler on the desk with a "SHUT UP!" Then a few nurses came in with the control drug and injected everyone including Skull. In just a few seconds....he was under the affect of the control drug, but he wasn't giving up that easily he was trying to fight it.

I'm not a bad guy, so don't treat me bad
If I don't smile back, alright
If I fuck up my words, don't think I'm absurd, alright
I'm physically exhausted, tired of my knuckles beating
I'm chewing gum pass this time
Sadness can't you see it, you're to busy seeking self-pleasures
Look at how I'm feeling
You write me up and say it's love, and I can't believe it
Hey can you meet me tonight in detention
I can feel your blood pressure rise fuck this tension, let me crawl up into your mind did I mention
Pretending everything's alright is detention
Pretending everything's alright is~
The teachers don't care about me, fuck how I feel as long as I make money
They let them do whatever they want to me
They're the customer I'm chopped meat, I'm chopped meat~
I'm physically exhausted tired of my knuckles beating
I'm chewing gum pass this time, sadness can't you see it
Look at how I'm feeling
You write me up and say it's love, and I can't believe it
Hey can you meet me tonight in detention
I can feel your blood pressure rise fuck this tension, let me crawl up into your mind did I mention
Pretending everything's alright is detention
De~detention, de~detention
Pretending everything's alright is detention
I wanna go home and you say "now is not the time", fuck being alone in the back of the classroom
Stop calling up my phone trying to say that I've been out of line
When all I ever asked was to go to the bathroom,
Hey can you meet me tonight in detention, I can feel your blood pressure rise fuck this tension
Let me crawl up into your min did I mention
Pretending everything's alright is detention, tonight I can feel your blood pressure rise
Let me crawl up into your mind
Pretending everything's alright is detention

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