At Long Last

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Elsa's pov

Warmth spreads through my body as Loki's lips meet mine. Loki pulls me to his body. He wraps his arms around my waist. I wrap my arms around Loki's neck. I pull away and hide my face in the crook of Loki's neck. Loki just holds me and closes his eyes. I look up at Loki.

"No no no! Please no! I'm so sorry." I hold Loki to me. 'I truly am a monster.' I hid my face in the crook of Loki's neck. 

Loki's pov

'What is she- oh... she's so cold it must have caused me to change forms... She must think she froze me... This could be fun.' I keep my eyes closed so she doesn't see the red. I feel tears on my neck and shirt. 'Alright time to stop.' I stroke her hair with one hand and her back with the other. 

"I'm sorry, Elsa. I shouldn't have done that." 

Normal pov 

"Ar-are you ok," Elsa studders. "Yes, now let's get you out of here. Your subjects don't need you to see you in this condition or what you're gonna do to me." Elsa picks her head up. "You're still blue." Loki sighs. "I'll explain when we get you out of here." Elsa nods. Loki releases Elsa. Elsa walks to the front of the room. 

"I'm sorry for that display. I will be turning in early thank you for coming." Anna runs up to Elsa. "Are you ok Elsa?" Elsa nods and hugs Anna. "Yes, now enjoy your wedding night. I'm sorry I have to go. I love you." Anna sighs. "It's ok Elsa. I love you too. Go now." Elsa nods. Loki walks up to Elsa and wraps an arm around her waist. He leads her to his room. 

"Sit," he commands. "Where?" Loki sighs. "You can sit on the bed." Elsa does as she's told. Loki sits next to her. "I am so sorry for what I did. You didn't freeze me. I'm a frost giant. That's how I look," Loki admits quietly, scared of rejection, "You can't hurt me." Elsa looks into Loki's eyes. "Why didn't you say anything?" Loki sighs. "I'm sorry I didn't think it through." 

"It's ok. I'm just glad you're ok," Elsa says softly. Elsa hugs Loki. "You really scared me." Elsa looks down. Loki sighs. "I know and for that I am truly sorry." Loki wraps his arms around Elsa. "Elsa?" Elsa looks up. "Hm?" Loki kisses Elsa. "That." "Loki! You can't just keep doing that," Elsa pretends to be angry but her tone betrays her. Loki laughs at Elsa. Elsa smiles at Loki.

"Loki?" "Yes, love?" Elsa looks down. "What does all this mean," Elsa asks meekly. Loki pulls Elsa to him. Loki sighs. "Would you do me the honor of allowing of allowing me to court you?" Elsa looks up at Loki shocked. "Are you serious?" Loki nods. "Yes."  Elsa falls asleep on Loki shortly after their conversation.


Sorry for the short chapter. I hope you enjoyed! Thank you for reading. Love y'all.

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