Chapter 4

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The two siblings walked along the crowded Cairo boat dock carrying their luggage.

"Do you really think she will show up?" Evie asked her brother as she carried a suitcase in each hand.

"She may be an American,But I believe she's a woman of her word." Jonathan said with his clothes all held in a tan,saggy backpack that he held on his back.

"Well I think she's Filthy, Rude ,a complete scoundrel. I don't like her one bit." Evie declared.

"Anyone I know?" The woman declared walking up right behind them suddenly. Evie turned around, mouth gaping open in surprise. Not just surprise because she appeared behind them so suddenly but also because the woman looked different than how she last saw her.  She had took a shower but also gotten a hair cut as well. Her hair was now low cut in a boyish style with bangs that swept over her eyebrow in a side bang, that came almost over her eye. She was wearing a tan jacket with a white shirt underneath and casual tan pants with leather books with a  tan duffel bag on her shoulder. The interesting part was it wasn't a woman's style outfit but a mans.

"Oh. Um Hello." Evie said only being able to say that because she was still gapping at her. How could she look so beautifully feminine and ruggedly handsome like a man at the same time? Evie couldn't help but think to herself.

"A smashing day for an adventure huh O'Connell." Jonathan patted the woman's shoulder lightly in a friendly gesture.

"Yeah sure, smashing." The woman said looking inside her inner jacket pocket to make sure he hadn't pick pocketed her again.

"Oh I don't steal from partnas , partna." Jonathan said lightly punching her arm.

"Right. Hey no hard feelings about the uh-" she gestured with her fist punching someone.

"Oh no happens all the time." Jonathan said smiling and the woman smiled ,nodding relieved. Evie watched the two converse silently, noting that she acts sort of like a man too;but rather it being unnerving on most, it was really attractive on her.

"Ms. O'Connell, can you please look me in the eye and guarantee this isn't some sort of flim-flam, because if it is? I am warning you I will fill out-" Evie began saying but was interrupted.

"You're warning me?" The woman looked at her incredulous and stepped closer, speaking intently. "Lady let me put it this way. My whole damn garrison believed in this so much that without orders they marched halfway out of Libya in into Egypt to find that city, when we got there all we found was sand and blood." She said the last part slowly while looking at Evie intently. Evie had nothing to say back so she just stared quietly.
"I'll get your bags for you." Ruby said picking up Evie's luggage and taking them to the boat.

Evie looked at the woman and followed her with her eyes as she walked away, tilting her head in wonder.

"Yes filthy, rude, a complete scoundrel ,nothing like that at all." Jonathan said sarcastically and smirked at his sister. Evie looked over at her brother and smiled slowly before they were interrupted by another voice.

"Good morning to you all." The voice replied and they looked over to see the prison ward heading towards the boat.

"Oh no what are you doing here?" Evie asked horrified.

"I'm here to protect my investment, thank you very much." He said as he passed by them. Evie and Jonathan looked at each other before sighing.


As Ruby stepped out onto the main deck of the boat, she looked over to see Jonathan at a table with a few other men she recognized,and they appeared to be gambling. She walked up behind Jonathan and he smiled when noticing her.

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