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The feeling had ruined my calm mood and replaced it with annoyance.Why am I feeling so uneasy nobody seen.....did they no they can't they would have made a sound or I would have heard there feet pounding against the concrete.

I glanced from the ground and looked over to the trees were I saw the reason why my mood is ruined.the moon shined onto the side of his face.His face was as pail as snow and blood dripping from the carved smile his hair was long and as black as ash . He didn't move from the spot not even when I glanced at him.just ignore him. I glanced again looking in more detail his hoodie was stained with crimson red. His hand held a knife dripping red but the moon still shined onto it.

Just. Keep. Walking. I wasn't scared of him or the blood just I didn't want to be apart of what he was doing Or to be blamed iv already killed so I'm not bothered about another. My pace quickened I cant deal with this I want him to look away I feel like he's planning something. I'm running. I ran down an ally and stopped when I was in the clear I reached for the door and locked it behind me. That was strange why was he thick-sated on me .

I looked down at my pocket and removed the knife . I was unaware that the blood had dripped through my hoodie. Great another one ruined. I ran my hand under the taps to remove the blood then I washed the knife . Why do I like this knife so much it's just a knife not a memory or a toy just a knife

Murderous intentions (creepypasta)Where stories live. Discover now