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I was like a child when it comes to anime I just love it . Jeff on the other hand only liked the gory scenes and thought the rest of it was shit. So we watched blood c , parasyte ,corpse party , another and danganrompa before Jeff ripped the remote out of my hand. What?!?! I'm not watching anymore of this crap . my face dropped...it's not crap. If your gonna watch this shit watch it with Ben,laughing jack or ticci Toby.

Why did you watch so much with me then if you didn't like it? I couldn't be assed to put up with your whining. WHAT I DONT WHINE ! He looked at me and raised an eye brow.You do but you don't realise.your a dick Jeff! he glared at me and slipped his knife out of his pocket . What did you call me?his smile widened . Ooohh shit iv done it . Ben stood up and walked away . BEN DON'T GO !! I'm not getting punched in the face again.

My eyes darted to were Jeff once sat.he is not there. My heart was racing I dived forward of the sofa to see Jeff standing behind it . HOW DA FUCK DID YOU GET THERE AND PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!! I backed away wanting Jeff's small fraction of sanity to return. Why should I not kill you... that would just take the fun from it all. He charged forward with his knife in hand digging it into my chest. My screams were piecing.i pushed him away and clutched my wound.

Why am I not fighting back I've got my knife. I froze my heart was skipping beats . His smile widened.Snap out of it. I blinked rapidly and pulled my knife out of my pocket. He ran forward once again. I dived out the way hitting my back of the wall.He swiped ,slashing my arm . I grabbed his wrist and sliced away at his arm. His head pushed forward knocking me dizzy . Blood oozed from the cut in my forehead.

Murderous intentions (creepypasta)Where stories live. Discover now