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I just couldn't sleep the party had got me hyped up. Jeff won't mind if I leave...I think. I slipped off the bed And headed for the door. I slowly slipped it open and turned to Jeff who just rolled over. I headed down the hall walking in rhythm of the wind trying not to be heard by any one. Peter what room is he in ? I walked down the hall to see room 23 I turned the door knob but it wasn't that simple. I pulled a hair grip out of pocket and inserted it into the lock. Click. I'm in I walked in and peeked over to the bed . He's not there I heard a sigh and turned to be hit in the face with a bat. WHAT THE FUCK DUDE. Blood gushed out of my open wound.i clutched my wound and mumbled profanity's . I chucked my knife into his hand making him drop his bat. He yelled in pain with tears filling his eyes. I charged forward grabbing the knife off the ground. I pushed him into the wall and slammed his back against it. PLEASE DON'T DO THIS I DONT WANNA DIE! Tears poured out of his eyes as he begged for his very life. I just chucked at the sight. Sorry I'm all out of mercy,I chuckled. With that I stabbed him in the stomach. Blood dripped out of his mouth as he slowly slid Down the wall. 14 down.

I pulled the door shut as slowly as I could trying not to catch someone's attention. Ehem what are you doing it's 3 in the fucking morning! I spun around in pure shock to see Jeff standing in front of me with both arms crossed. I... erm... was saying hi to a friend! I scratched the back of my head . He pushed me out of the way and looked into the room. REALLY WAS THE PARTY NOT ENOUGH !?!? He turned and looked to me with a shocked expression. Why are you so shocked you killed your FAMILY and your a mental patient. It's 3am even psychos need to sleep I could hear the bangs and thumps from are room!

I walked past him and back into are room and pulled my hoodie off before throwing it to the ground. Night jeffy~ i curled up into my blanket and snuggled my head into the pillow. I HOPE SO AND DONT CALL ME JEFFY! Sorry .... jeffy. He stood up and towered over me . His eyes had a dark shadow casted over them and his smile twitched. to sleep. My body froze and sweat poured out of me . Sorry Jeff no hard feelings...NIGHT. I pulled the covers over me for protection over the beast what was lurking over me. So foot steps were heard and then the springs of a bed. I-I...SURVIVED. I was still shaking off of how scary Jeff had became when he was angry.

Murderous intentions (creepypasta)Where stories live. Discover now