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1:31am why can't I sleep for longer than 1/2 hours. Well it's just another night. What do I wear tonight I got my black hoodie what had smile written in rainbow. I tightened my necklace and placed my knife into my pocket.

I cant be calmed by the sounds of the wind tonight how strange. I want the adrenaline rush and the warm blood dripping down my hands. A family lives there I don't want to kill just one person I want them all. I slipped into the bedroom what leaded into the kids room a little boy about 10 was curled up.i placed my hand onto the boys mouth and carved my way into his neck. The blood was driving me mad . Licking the blood of my cheek I made my way into the teens room.

He was awake sitting with Netflix on the screen watching nanbaka. I cant understand why people just started liking anime now when it came out in 1962. Ugh this thinking is ruining my mood. I snook behind and slit his throat.the blood dripping down the screen covering the anime characters. Now then the adults lets see if they put up a bit more of a struggle.

The wife was on the edge of the bed . I placed my body on hers and covered her mouth.she squirmed frantically but I pinned her. I raised my knife and stabbed her many times in the chest. Now the husband I rolled over onto him and I slitted both of his wrists and then his throat his screams where nothing but gargles of blood.

I wiped the blood onto the bed sheets and headed back out the window to the cold, damp street. The moon was bright tonight ...brighter than yesterday's. I had that uneasy feeling once again.

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