Harsh night

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The room was cold and the wind made the trees branches hit off the window making a loud thump every time it hit. The floor boards also creaked and the door swayed back and forth.

This really reminds me off when I was younger.  I rocked back and forth in beat with the wind  I was also hugging my legs. My skin had changed into a faint pale. My tears burned down my cheeks like acid since the cold had wrapped around it. This made me think does any one even notice I'm gone ? I shouldn't have tried to put my trust into people.....

Hours had past....or was it minutes . I looked out the window to see the act was still dark like time was on a stand still. A crow made its way up to the window and pecked at it . It just sat and stared at me not even moving. Hello ? The birds head tilted as if it was listening to me. What are strange little bird you are.. it chirped at me like it understood what I had just said. He flew away and left me alone. I felt alone once again until the bird had peeked its head past the door and hoped in. It sat in front of me and tilted its head once again. I reached my hand out to stroke  it but its head tilted and it eyed my hand. I closed my eyes to expect to have been pecked but instead felt the birds feathers. Your a cute bird aren't you? It chirped again like it was talking to me. It paced forwards and stood on my leg. I petted it's head again. I pulled out some bread that the boy had left for me. I dropped it in front of the bird and it leaped forwards catching it with its beak in less than a moment. Your such an adorable bird. I wonder what you want? It just tilted it's head again. It's wings pushed out and it flew away out of the door. Within moments the boy had returned . Now who were you talking to?? I just pulled away and curled up into a corner.

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