Day 3

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Jeff we need to fit in so do something bad will you...I can't believe I said that. Well I can't or I'll end up killing someone so you do something to get yourself noticed.i turned around to see a boy looking me up and down. I'll fight him. What Safire? I stood up and walked to the boy. What do you think your looking at ? How much is it for that body of yours? WHAT DA FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU ! I kicked him in the nuts and then punched him in the face before kneeing him in the ribs. I walked away past the crowd of people who stood and watched in amazement. Let's go Jeff . I grabbed his arm and yanked him out the classroom.

Did you really need to fucking hit him in the nuts?Jeff looked at me with wide eyes. He had it coming, I spoke with a smug smile. He did but he vomited because you kicked him in the nuts that fuckin hard! Do you want a go to, my voice had dropped to prove I was serious. No fucking way am I letting you kick me there! He backed away and shielded his "thing". Haha I'm joking you'll probably try to kill me if I hurt you and I rather not die. He tilted his head "you have a point". We turned to walk away before being stopped by a group of students from are class.

Ok what do uses want cause we need to get past? The group stayed quiet before the boy in front spoke. We would like to invite use to the party tonight since you both seem like the parting types, the boys voice was steady and didn't show signs of fear. Before I could speak Jeff spoke other. Yea we would like to come, jeffs voice was hyper with a tint of insanity peaking through.We turned and walked away. Why are you so hyper about this? I don't like them and at a party every is to drunk or loved up to realise what's going so I could pull someone into a room and then kill them before walking out. I just stared at the twitching and chuckling Jeff who stood next to me. Ok then let's get sorted for tonight.

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