Im out

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The hallway was dark and the floor boards creaked and my foot steps echoed around the hallway. There was an open window at the end and I hung out the window and swung myself onto the tree. I climbed down and the mud wrapped around my ankles and the twigs are digging into the bottom off my feet.

I turned my head back to see the house is changing smaller and smaller. I ran faster and faster but in the distance a figure came into sight. It's him. I went to run back but hit a tree instead. While i was trying to get back up onto my feet he was charging closer. I slid to the left and his knife stuck into the tree. I turned and went to run but he Tripped me up. I turned onto my back and kicked him away. His knife stuck into the top off my leg. I rolled backwards and I was on my feet again. I threw a punch and it connected to the front of his face. Blood dripped down his face onto the floor. He screamed and clutched his nose in pain . He swiped his knife and caught my cheek . He fell on me and stabbed me in the stomach rapidly. Blood dripped out of my mouth. I pulled my legs up into his stomach and kicked him off . I leaped onto him and started to choke him . His knife stabbed into me one more time till he became limp.

His body was still I crawled off of him and I pulled the knife out off his hand. I was on my feet again clutching my wounds. I was leaning on the tree and catching my breath. Then hand became wrapped around my throat. I fell backwards onto the tree and the persons hands lost there grip I pulled them off and then I turned to see it was him. I pinned him down by his throat before moving my hand and sliding my knife across his throat. He fell to the floor . His body twitched before going limp in a pool of blood.

I turned and ran but the forest all looked the same and my vision was becoming blurred. I'm loosing to much blood. I collapsed onto the ground and one finial tear pushed its way out. Then a familiar tentacle wrapped around my waist and and lifted me into the air. It was slender . Well done Safire most people would have died in this situation.... I'm not allowing you to die yet but do me a favour and hang on for a couple of moments. Hu he actually came what a surprise. His tentacle blocked my wounds and slowed the blood flow .

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