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I played with the knife.The way it glistened always fascinated me and how sharp it is . Light shined through the curtains onto my face . Day already it was night minutes ago she checked her phone 7:12 am. How long was I playing with my knife ? I have problems...well I should see if the police found the body I left. I sat up and got changed into a red shirt with denim jeans.

8:12 wow they found the body that fast scum like him should be left longer maybe till there corpse is nothing but maggots and bone. Miss please step back,spoke the police officer in a serious voice. This snapped me out of my train of thought. Oh ok then. The ally was blocked with yellow police tape and the officers.

From what I can tell the weapon is the same type of knife used on the 3 murders yesterday. Yep that was also me i don't understand why the passing people are so scared of a couple of body's ...they watch horror movies so they should be use to body's i can't understand normal people but who am I to define normal. I walked of heading towards the shops.

Oh this is nice a necklace it hung in front of me it had an upside down cross on it covered in diamonds. I want it . I checked around the room... no cameras and no one can see . I slipped it up my sleeve and acted casual. As soon as I walked out I placed my new prize on my neck. It's a bit gothic but I like it . I'm bored of these shops now I'm going home. The walk was nice the breeze was cold and the trees blocked out the light . My necklace shined in light.

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