Chapter fourteen

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It was currently a Sunday night. I was on my bed doing my biology homework and listening to some music. As I was doing so I heard my phone ping indicating I got a text message. I ignored it knowing whoever it was, could wait an extra 10 minutes for me to finish. After a few seconds it went off and off again. I let out an exaggerated sigh and grabbed my phone from beside me. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion when I saw that I had gotten a three message from an unknown number.

Unknown number- Your password is very easy to guess, Love
Unknown number- pick up your phone
Unknown number- stop ignoring me

Me- who are you?

The person replied back immediately

Unknown number- who do you know that calls you love?
Aaron Lee.
Me- Aaron?
Unknown number- well done love. I might give you a kiss as a reward😉
Me- well too bad you live far away so you can't
Unknown number- Yes I might live far away but right now I'm only a few feet away from you
Me- what? How?
Unknown number- look out your window
I looked to my left at my window and back down at my phone again. He hardly came out at this time to my house. I walked over to my window and my eyes widened when I saw him. He was smiling cheekily up at me. I quickly pulled open my window

"Aaron are you out of your goddamn mind? What the hell are you doing here?" I whispered- yelled looking around the neighbourhood to see if anyone was still awake and could hear my screaming like a mad woman.

"I was nearby and saw your lights on so I thought I would come over" he said shoving his hands in his pockets.
"You are so crazy" I laughed. "Do you know how cliché this looks right now?" I asked
"Yup. I'm fully aware and I'm going to make it more cliché by asking if you want to go on a walk with me"
"What no!! My mom would kill me" I said
"I thought your mom worked late on Fridays?" He said "it will only be an hour..less if you want" he reassured
"Ok fine only an hour. I have to change first" I said and quickly went to change into a hoodie and leggings with some runners. I grabbed my phone and headed out the door to see Aaron leaning against the wall.

"You ready?" He asked
"Yeah but where are we going?"
"It's a surprise cmon" he said. We talked a little occasionally laughing when he cracked a joke.

"We're here" he said walking ahead of me spreading his arms out to show our arrival.
"The park? That was your big surprise?" I laughed.
"Hey no judging. The park is fun" he smiled
"Ok. Lets make it real fun then" I smirked. I walked a little bit ahead of him and the turned around to face. "LAST ONE TO THE SWINGS HAS TO BUY THE OTHER PERSON MCDONALDS" I shouted. I don't think I've ever ran that fast. I was so close to the swing set when I felt him grab me by the waist and pull me back into him.
"NOO LET ME GOOO" I screamed thrashing against him.
"Ok only on one condition" he said
"And what might that be"
"That I get to tickle you" he evilly laughed.

Before I had time to react he began attacking me again. I fell to the ground bringing him down with me. He used his arms to suspend his weight so he wouldn't fall on top of me. At that moment the only thing I wanted was to feel his lips against mine. I leaned up and softly pressed my lips against his and he responded immediately. I wrapped both my arms around his neck bringing him closer to me. Our little kiss turned out to be a make out session which didn't last very long.

Out of nowhere we heard sirens and we could see the colours blue and red repeatedly flashing. We broke the kiss and saw a police officer walking over to us and he didn't look very happy.
"You two are coming with me. NOW" he said sternly. Me and Aaron looked at each other and stood up immediately.

"Officer what did we do?" Aaron asked
"Young man do you know what time it is? It's 1 am and this is a residential area where people sleep. Someone filed a complaint that two teenagers were making too much noise in the park." The officer said

"We are so sorry officer. We didn't realise how loud we were" I apologised
"Well now you do" he said. He then looked at us for a minute and sighed. "Here's the deal, I will let you go only if you promise to go back home and stay indoors for the rest of night" he said

"Yes of course. Again we are terribly sorry" I apologised again grabbing Aaron's hand so we could go. Our walk back to my house was us laughing about what had just happened.
"God we could have been arrested" I said once we arrived at my house. My mom wasn't home but she would be in about an hour.

"But we weren't" he smiled.
"I would have gotten my McDonald's if you didn't grab me so quickly" I pouted
"Screw McDonalds. Can I take you out for dinner tomorrow night?" Aaron asked. I laughed but when he didn't I immediately stopped.
"Wait did Aaron Lee just ask me out on a date?" I asked acting astonished

"Yeah I guess" he shyly said scratching the back of his neck.
"Awww you're cute and of course I'll go on a date with you" I smiled
"Cool I'll pick you up at 7 then" he said.
"Ok then I'll see you then bye" I said and gave him a quick hug before turning around.
"You gave me a hug but no kiss?" He asked. I giggled and ran over to him giving him a peck on the lips.
"Goodnight love"
"Goodnight Aaron"

Authors note
Ahhhhhhhhh we reached 200 reads. I'm so happy right now I can't even explain it. Thanks so much for everyone reading. It really means a lot

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