chapter thirty-two

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Aaron's pov

I stared down at the necklace Sierra threw at me. I looked up and saw some students staring at me and whispering between themselves. "WHAT ARE YOU ALL LOOKING AT! GO GET A LIFE" I screamed at them. They all scurried off in different directions. I bent down and grabbed the necklace, enclosing it in a tight fist. I walked to my car and sat in the driver seat in silence for a few minutes until I broke.

"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!"I yelled punching my steering wheel. I breathed heavily in rage and ran my fingers through my hair in distress. I leaned my head on the steering wheel, hunching over in my seat.

I lost her.

How could I be so stupid? So idiotic? I should have listened to Justin and Josh the first time. I should have told her about the bet and maybe, just maybe things wouldn't have blown so much out of proportion. I stared back down at the necklace again before putting it in my pocket. I started the car and made my way to the one place nobody knew about. Where I could blow off some steam. The boxing ring


"C'MON IS THAT ALL YOU GOT HIT ME HARDER" I was jumping lightly on my feet with sweat dripping down my body.

"Damn bro. We've done five rounds. You're not tired yet?" Anthony my boxing partner asked. I've been boxing for a very short amount of time, only five months but it's been a while since I had some injuries last month.

"Nah let's keep going"

He sent a punch but I quickly dodged it and hit him hard in his left side. I kept going hitting him harder and harder after each punch. Due the force he stumbled back into the ropes. "OK I'm out, I'm out" he surrendered but I didn't hear him. With each punch I got a flashback of the fight between Sierra and I. I was pulled out of my trance when Anthony pushed me back making me fall to the floor. "I said I'm out Goddamit Aaron" he was craddling his now bruised face where I punched him multiple times.

"Shit sorry. Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'll live but you're not ok" he said walking over to me. He held his hand out so he could help me up. "What's wrong?"

I shrugged turning around and removed my boxing gloves. "Nothing is wrong. I just wanted to blow off some steam" I jumped out of the ring and sat in one of the chairs before drinking some water. Anthony followed after me and sat in the chair next to mine.

"I've never seen you fight like that so who pissed you off"

"Nobody pissed me off" I sighed. I leaned over so my elbows were resting on my thighs. "My girl broke up with me"

"Shit bro. You good?" He asked



"What happened?"

I then began to explain to him what I did and how Sierra found out. "Damn Aaron that's some fucked up shit"

"You think I don't know that? I swear to God I was going to tell her every thing I just...I didn't want to upset her. And yes I realise not telling her for this long made it worse but I honestly forgot about the stupid bet when we were dating. Not until Josh brought it up"

"Just give her time. If there's one thing about I learned about girls, it's that you have to give her space and time for her to get her thoughts together. She's mad and upset and you can't blame her" I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah you're right. Do you think she'll take me back?" I whispered

"I think if she really loves you she will look past this and forgive you but for her to take you back means she has to trust you again so give her a reason to"

"Since when do you give good relationship advice?" I laughed

"Haven't you heard? People who are single give the best relationship advice" he laughed lightly punching my arm. "One more round?" He asked referring to some boxing.

"Yeah let's do it" I said standing up.

Authors note
Heyyyyy lovelies. This chapter is extremely short and I apologise. I literally just wrote it before uploading. I've been super busy with school work and online classes. I'll try make the next one longer hopefully. So the main question is will Sierra forgive him? And if you were in her shoes would you?
If you enjoyed this chapter don't forget to leave a vote. The next chapter will hopefully be out on Friday
Precious x

Word count-783

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