Chapter forty-six

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The following morning I found myself in the kitchen with Maya making breakfast for the group. Justin and Aaron were in the game room playing video games.

"How is it fair that they get to relax while we stand here making them breakfast" Maya commented opening the fridge.

"You're right" I said agreeing with her. I stopped what I was doing. "They should be in here helping us"

"Like they would even agree" she said rolling her eyes.

"I have an idea. Follow me" I said. I dropped the fork that I had been using to whisk the eggs and walked out of the kitchen with Maya hot on my tail. We walked into the game room and sure enough they were both sitting in front of the tv. We walked in front of them blocking their view which definitely got their attention.

"Babe not trying to mean but you need to" Justin said to Maya standing up

"Yeah move so I can beat his ass" Aaron said standing up too.

"No! You both are coming with us now and you are going to help make breakfast with us" I deadpanned. Next thing I knew Aaron shoved me out of his way and began clicking his controller furiously. I glared hard at him. I guess it's time for plan B. I looked over at Maya and she nodded at me.

I walked over to the tv and plugged the PlayStation out causing the screen to go black

"WHAT NO!" They both yelled looking at me

"What the fuck Sierra?! I was about to win." Aaron yelled. I walked over to him and snatched the controller out of his hands and ran away with it. I knew Maya did the same thing because Justin started shouting too.

"Give it back!" They both yelled. Maya walked into the kitchen leading them into our trap

"You can get it back after you help us make breakfast" Maya said.

"Fine" Justin grumbled

"Great" I chirped smiling. "Crack those eggs and then whisk them" I instructed.

Fifteen minutes later we were all at the table digging into the breakfast we just made. Finally Josh and Veronica walked in, hand in hand. They definitely looked worn out to say the least.

"Look who decided to show up" I said

"Yeah sorry..must have Ben jet lag" Veronica said trying to make up an excuse.

"Jet lag my ass" I said rolling my eyes. "You guys sure had a lot of fun last night" I smirked wiggling my eyebrows. The boys snickered and I could see a red tint form on her face.

"You must have had a lot of fun last night too" she said walking over to the table.

"What do you mean? I was sleeping last night unlike you" I said. I'm pretty sure you could hear the panic laced in my voice.

"That hickey on your neck says otherwise" it was now her turn to smirk.

Everyone's attention was immediately on my neck. "Holy shit did you and Aaron smash" Justin laughed pointing at my neck.

"Oh my God how did I not notice" Maya said in shock. My hand immediately flew to my neck and then I turned to Aaron. He had a sly smile plastered on his face.

"Should we tell them?" He asked. I knew he was referring to the fact that we were back to together.

"We are back together" I finally said

"I CALLED IT" Veronica shouted jumping up and down. She then ran over to me, standing behind me and hugged me. "I'm so happy for you S" she squealed hugging me tight. Maya then joined in and congratulated me. I looked up and saw the boys doing some handshake

"Don't fuck it up" I heard Josh say

"Wouldn't even dream about it" Aaron replied

"Oh my God, isn't this so cute. We are all in relationships now" Maya said pulling away from me and then walked over to Justin pulling his into a hug

"Oh I forgot to say but there's a carnival. We should totally go tonight" Justin said. We all agreed and finished our breakfast.

I got out of the shower and ringed my hair to get the excess water out from my hair. I wrapped the white fluffy towel tightly around my me and walked to the mirror. I used my hand to wipe down the mirror as it was foggy due to the steam from the shower. I leaned forward into the mirror and stared at the mark Aaron left on my neck. The red mark was definitely noticeable compared to my tan skin. I quickly did my skincare routine and then walked out of the bathroom.

Once I walked out of the bathroom I slightly jumped when I saw Aaron laying on my bed. He was on his back, his phone was in his hands hoovering over his face.

"God Aaron you scared me! What the hell are you doing in here?" I said and tightened my hold on my towel.

"Took you long enough" he said swinging his legs and propping them on the floor. "I don't know why you're holding your towel like that. It's not like I haven't seen everything before" he smirked

I rolled my eyes. "Out" I said pointing to the door.

"Ok ok" he laughed standing up and held his hands up defensively. "Wear leggings or sweatpants. I'm going to teach you how to skate today and it's not up for discussion" he said and walked out

"I swear nobody lets me say no nowadays" I mumbled and went to get dressed

Authors note
Heyyyy lovelies. Apologies for this short chapter. I haven't really been on my phone that much(this chapter was written within an hour) but I hope you still enjoyed it. I promise the next one will be wayyyyy longer than this.
Next chapter on Friday

Word count-991

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