Chapter twenty-five

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I woke up to the sound of my ringtone blasting loudly from my phone. I groaned in annoyance as it woke me up from my sleep. I was too lazy to reach over and turn it off so I placed my head under my pillow waiting for it to stop. I let out a breath once my phone stopped ringing. Five seconds later it rang again.

"Oh my God can a girl get some fucking sleep" I cursed under my breath. I didn't even bother looking at the caller ID to see who was calling me and angrily pressed my phone to my ear.

"What?!" I gritted out
"Damn someone clearly hasn't had their coffee yet" Veronica laughed
"Veronica? Why the hell are you calling me at-" I pulled my phone from my ear to check what time it was. "-10 in the morning" I exasperated.

"Girl 10 is not early now wake your ass up. You, Steph and I are going to Starbucks. I'll pick you up in an hour" she said. I didn't even have to time to respond because she hung up on me.

I sighed throwing my phone at the foot of my bed. I flopped back onto my bed, letting my body adjust. After a few minutes I got up and went straight to my bathroom to take a shower. After fifteen minutes I got out of the shower and got dressed. It was still really cold out so I settled on an oversized cream knitted turtle neck jumper, black jeans, a black bag and black boots. Since I had time I loosely curled my hair. For my makeup I simply applied mascara to my eyelashes and lipgloss to my lips. Lastly I pulled the necklace Aaron got me out from the turtle neck.

My mom was off work today thankfully. She is always working and needs to take time off to relax. I wasn't surprised when I didn't see her downstairs. I then heard the honk of Veronica's car. I didn't want to wake my mom up so I quickly left her a note telling her where I was going and left it on the counter.

I walked out the door and saw Veronica and Steph in the car. I opened the door and we made our way to Starbucks. Once we had our orders we sat down at our usual spot by the window. We mostly talked about how our Christmas was and what we did.

"So I have some exciting news" Veronica smiled placing her coffee back onto the table. "Josh asked me out on a date this Saturday" she squealed. Steph and I looked at each other with wide eyes.

(Just in case you forgot, Josh was the one who made the bet with Aaron and who was dancing with Veronica at the party)

"Oh my God finally. I was wondering when he was going to ask you out" I said
"So where are you guys going?" Steph asked. Veronica shrugged running her hands through her hair. "He didn't say where yet so I've no idea but I'm excited and I really like him" it was safe to say that Veronica has had her fair share of dates and boyfriends over the years. She is definitely the most out going one in our little friend circle.

"Damn I really need to get into a relationship. I'm feeling kind of left out" Steph pouted

"Awww don't worry boo we will set you up with one of the hottest girls" I laughed attempting to cheer her up.

"Anyways the baby of the group is turning eighteen in less than a week" Steph chuckled elbowing my arm. "So what are we doing"

"You guys know I don't really like doing anything major to celebrate my birthday but we could go see a movie and do some shopping" I said thinking on the spot. Usually people are excited for their birthdays but not me. I used to be until my dad passed away. Now my birthday is only a reminder that my dad couldn't be there to celebrate it with me.

"Ok thats fine by- wait does your necklace say 'A+S' on it?" Veronica asked. She leaned forward in her seat and squinted her eyes at the chain that hung around my neck. Steph also leaned forward to observe. My right hand immediately flew to the necklace as I gripped the heart shape.

"Aaron got it for me for Christmas" I smiled playing with it between my fingertips. It was truly one of the best gifts I've ever gotten.

"That is literally the cutest thing ever" they exclaimed gushing over the small yet thoughtful gift anyone had given me.

"I agree. I never take it off and he also has a matching keychain to go with it on his car keys" I said. I took a bite into my final piece of my cookie. We continued talking for a few minutes.

"So I'm done. Who wants to come back to my house?" Steph asked "my parents aren't in so we will have the whole house to ourselves" she added.

"I'm down" I shrugged. "Me too" Veronica said standing up. We quickly disposed of our trash and walked out to Veronica's car. "I call shotgun" I shouted running over to the car. Just before I opened the door a voice made me stop abruptly in my actions.

"God even outside of school I still have to put up with seeing your ugly face" I turned around and saw Rachel standing a few feet away from me. She was holding a milkshake in her right hand with a bunch of bags in her left. Someone clearly got a lot of money for Christmas.

"Rachel" I curtly said "what do you want?" I bluntly asked. I honestly didn't have time for her bullshit. I was in a good mood and I wasn't going to let her ruin that for me. "Are you here to tell me that Aaron is yours again? Because at this point we both know that's not true" I spat

She stalked towards me and glared at me. Her eyes flickered to my neck where my necklace was. She let out a low chuckle before gripping the chain in her hands forming a tight fist.

"What the fuck!? Let go of me" I yelled clawing at her hands but that didn't stop her.

"Your boyfriend got this for you?" She eyed the necklace shaking her head letting out a bitter laugh. "God I can't wait till you find out" she let me go sending me back a few steps.

"What are you talking about?"

"I told you that I would find out why Aaron is with you and I did. It was a little too easy but I know" she then looked me up and down in disgust before rolling her eyes. "I'm not going to tell you. Not yet anyways" she smirked. She then walked close to me so her mouth was next to my ear. "The only person who should be careful now is you" she pulled away putting on a big smile on her face as if she accomplished what she came to talk to me about. "Toodles" she chirped. I watched as she walked away taking a sip of her milkshake.

"We should go" Veronica said walking over to the driver side. Steph got in the back leaving only myself in the parking lot. I sighed getting inside the car.

"Listen, S, don't listen to her. The girl is clearly obsessed with Aaron and will do anything to steal him away from you which is disgusting." Steph assured me gripping my shoulder. I turned around and gave her a small smile.

"Yeah you're right. She has no respect for herself or others. I'll just call Aaron tonight when I get home and talk to him" I sighed looking out the window.

Rachel you don't want to play with me

Authors note
Damnnnnnnn Rachel is really set on breaking Aaron and Sierra. Just when things are going great for A and S this happens. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section.

Also i just realised that my cover needs a title.
I've no idea how to do it but hopefully in the next few days my cover will be more intriguing. (The picture will most likely stay the same)

Also thank you for 25k+ reads!
Next chapter will be out on Tuesday. Love you all x

Word count-1421

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