Chapter fifty-seven

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I quickly dried my soaking wet hair while attempting to put mascara on my lashes. Today is the day. The day where students find out if they are going to college or not. The day where colleges give out college offers. They weren't going to be out till 12:30. The girls and I decided to meet up with the boys for brunch at a local cafe at 12. Of course I woke up late so I only has twenty minutes to get ready. To say I was scared shitless was an understatement. This could go two ways: I get in or I don't. I had no idea what I would do if I didn't get in. The thought made me loose concentration of what I was doing and I accidentally poked my left eye with the mascara wand.

"Ah God" I hissed. I dropped the mascara and blow dryer on the ground. Thankfully I was standing on a fluffy rug so nothing too damaging happened. I blinked a few times so the tears that were already forming in my eyes would go away. I looked at my hair and noticed it was still wet. "Screw this" I muttered and threw my hair into a top knot on the top of my head.

For my outfit I went with a white cropped tank and a pair of ripped, blue denim straight leg jeans. I felt a little cold so I threw on one of Aaron's flannels which was a little oversized looking but it did the job.

I heard a honk outside and knew Veronica was waiting for me. I grabbed my bag and slipped my laptop, phone and money into it. I raced down the stairs and made a quick stop in my kitchen where my mom was sipping coffee. " I'm leaving now"

"Ok before you go" she said and stood up, making her way over to me. She pulled me into a hug.

"Mom I really have to go" I cringed and tried to pull away from her but my attempts were useless.

"Alright but remember college doesn't define you" she advised and kissed my cheek. I gave her a smile smile and quickly said bye before walking out the door. I sat in the back with Steph while Mia was sitting in the front.

"Your mom?" They asked simultaneously

"Yes and no" I laughed. "I woke up late"

"Of course you did" Steph laughed "I'm so nervous"

"Ughhh don't even talk about it. I feel sick and haven't even eaten anything" Mia said scrunching up her face.

"The boys are already there so we should go" Veronica said. She put the car in drive and sped down the road. Few minutes later we were parked outside a small cafe in town. The sweet aroma of coffee was somewhat calming that I nearly forgot the reason why we here. We made our way over to the boys who were already snacking on cookies. The minute they noticed us they hid the cookies behind their backs

"Hey guys" Josh started. We all exchanged our hellos before sitting down.

"Oh by the way you all have crumbs around your mouths" I smirked, crossing my arms.

"I swear we were going to wait for you all but we are growing boys. We need to be eating as much as we can" Aaron said and puffed out his chest. I rolled my eyes at him. The waiter finally came over to take our orders and by the time we had finished eating there was two minutes before  college application offers were out.

"Oh God this is really happening" my voice was so shaky. I barely recognised it. We all had our laptops on our laps but leaning over our seats in anticipation.

"THEY ARE OUT" Veronica yelled resulting in multiple people giving us glares.

Already? There's still at least thirty seconds left.

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