Chapter forty-eight

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I yawned as I peeled my eyes open. My mouth immediately pulled up into a small smile as I looked up and saw Aaron. He was still sleeping. I removed one hand from the teddy I was cradling all night and ran my hands through his hair. I then used my index finger to trace the outline of his jawline and moved it up his cheek. It was only now that I noticed how amazing and clear his skin was. He probably doesn't even have a skincare routine. My gaze dropped to his chest and watched as it steadily rises and falls. I gently ran my hand from his chest down to his stomach where his toned abs were. I suddenly felt like I was doing too much and quickly removed my hand.

"I was enjoying where that was going" I heard him say. My eyes flew up to his but they were still closed

"You were awake the whole time?" I embarrassingly asked. He then opened his eyes.

"Yeah I've been awake for the last ten minutes because I heard shouting" he explained

"What shouting?" And on cue I heard Josh yell something followed by Justin screaming in pain. Boys.

My attention was brought back to Aaron when he grabbed my chin and pulled me into a kiss. "Good morning"

"Good morning" I giggled and laid my head back on his chest. I then stared at the plain white wall in front of us.

"You know last night was the best I have slept in a long time" he said running the tips of his fingers up and down my arm soothingly.


"Yeah I think it's because I don't have to worry about school or getting up early on a Saturday for ice hockey practice but also because you are here...with me"

"I would say the same but you kept stealing the covers from me all night" I glared

"In my defence I was freezing" he laughed

"So was I" I pouted

"Awwww I'm sorry bebe" he said and kissed my cheek

"Bebe? Is that my new nickname?" I said raising my eyebrows

"Of course and there's more to come" he winked. He then lifted himself off the bed.

"Where are you going" I questioned

"To shower. We have to get ready" he laughed

"Nooo!!" I whined. "Lay down with me a little longer" I pleaded

"As tempting as that sounds babe, we can't. It's nearly half one" he said pointing to the digital clock on the nightstand. I groaned turning away from him. "Now get up and go get ready" he ordered

"Five more minutes"

"Fine" he said and walked into the bathroom to get ready.

I felt a tapping on my shoulder. Was five minutes already up? Maybe if I pretended I was sleeping he would leave me alone. "Sierra I know you are awake and I swear to God if you don't get up in the next five seconds I will snap you ass very hard.. five...four...THREE...TWO-"

"Ok ok!!!" I yelled and stood up on the bed. "I'm up" I sighed

"Good" he smirked. Next thing I knew I was being flung over his shoulder.

"AARON NO PUT ME DOWN" I screamed.

"No because If leave you on your own you're just going to go back to bed" he said. He walked down the hall to my room which was only a few doors down. He propped me on my bed and walked over to my suitcase.

"What do you want to wear?" He asked. I thought back to what I had packed.

"I think I packed a pastel blue T-shirt and my denim ripped jeans" I said. As he rummaged through my suitcase I grabbed my phone and quickly sent a good morning text, well more like a good afternoon text to my mom.

"I think you should this" I turned my head and my eyes immediately widened when I saw what he was holding up. He was holding up my red lacy bra with the matching panties. I immediately grew red with embarrassment and his smirk was hard to not miss. I ran over to him and snatched the items off him and hid them behind my back.

"I don't know why you are hiding it, I've already seen them. Plus I bet you look incredibly sexy in it" he said standing up.

"Well I guess you will never know how it looks on me until you earn it" I said and walked into the bathroom closing the door behind me

"You're forgetting I've already seen you naked" he called after me.

"Shut up!!" I yelled through the door.

I quickly got ready and within twenty minutes I was out of the bathroom. I noticed Aaron wasn't here. He must be downstairs with the others. I picked up my phone from my bed and made my way down to the living room.

"Hey guys" I said. I noticed everyone had their shoes on.

"Great you're finally here. We are going hiking today" Justin said.

Great, the one day I feel lazy and he wants us to go hiking.

"We are stopping at Starbucks for some breakfast first though" Josh added.

"Cool I'm going to go get my shoes first and change out of these jeans" I said. There was no way I was going hiking in ripped skinny jeans.

After changing into some black leggings and Black Nike runners I made my way back downstairs. I suddenly felt a wave of dizziness and grabbed the bannister to steady myself.

Maybe it's because I've been running up and down the stairs.

I shook my head and walked back into the living room

"Ready?" Aaron asked.

"Yes" I mumbled

"Then let's get this show on the road!" He cheered. I rolled my eyes at his enthusiasm. God, the things I would do to roll back into bed.

Authors note
Heyyy lovelies. Finally another chapter is up. How cute were Sierra and Aaron at the beginning of this chapter though. I'm honestly so jealous of their relationship and they aren't even real characters!!

If you enjoyed this chapter let me know in the comments and don't forget to vote!


Word count- 1043

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