chapter nine

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Namjoon groaned, lifting his face up from his pillow.

He wiped his face from probably drooling while being passed out. Smoking marijuana makes you pass out for a while, but also makes you have a good night sleep and it blocks out the noise. Alcohol can make you pass out too but it'll barely block out the noise.

He ignored his headache, yawning. He pushed himself up off of the bed, noticing that he didn't get laid. He's still wearing his ripped back jeans but his pants are still unzipped and his belt was still unbuckled. He almost got laid at least.

Wait. When did Taehyung leave?

He knitted his brows and looked back at the bed, seeing another body figure that's sleeping on their stomach, so he only saw the back view of them. The older just sighed, walking back over to the bed and sat down on the edge of it, on the boy's side of the bed.

Taehyung seemed so peaceful, breathing through is nose with his hands all numb, not twitching or anything like that. His peaceful place is certainly sleeping, all the bad doesn't belong there at all.

Namjoon lifted his hand up to the younger's hair, only hovering over for a moment. Will he hate me if I touch him? He just sighed, softly placing his hand down on Taehyung's black curly hair, his fingers in his black locks.

He's going to hate me. He's going to hate me. He'll hate me for sure. Namjoon gulped hard. Taehyung doesn't do physical contact. He's all about independence now. He doesn't want to be with someone. He stays alone. Namjoon didn't want that though.

Taehyung softly smiled at the attention, which made the older surprised. He fluttered his eyes and just softly smiled at him, continuing to pet the boy's hair. He slid to caress over to the side of the boy's face, caressing his cheekbone.

A knock interrupted him.

"Yah, Namjoon-ah. Are you awake?"

Fuck. It's Yoongi. Namjoon slowly removed his hand from the boy's face, carefully getting up. He slowly went over to his door and acted like he just got up, taking off his pants to just be in his boxers.

He took a breath before he opened his door, only peaking it open to see Yoongi.


"It's literally almost three in the afternoon. How are you still tired?" Yoongi crossed his arms, raising a brow.

"Didn't we have a party last night?" Namjoon rubbed his eye, yawning. "How come you aren't tired?"

"I didn't drink, nor smoke weed." He rolled his eyes. "You're just the usual smoker—did you even have fun?"

"I did. Can I go back to sleep now?"

"No. You have to help me clean up. Get dressed." Yoongi walked away from the door, walking back upstairs to the main room.

Namjoon sighed in relief, carefully closing the door. He looked over back at Taehyung, still sleeping soundly. He softly smiled. I never really had a good connection with him. Was yesterday a chance? Namjoon just sighed sadly and walked over to his closet.

Taehyung suddenly groaned, slowly pushing himself up and lift his hand to rub his eye. He had a major headache, but it wasn't that bad. He groaned once more, fluttering his eyes open to see properly.

He's not in his room. Where is he? Taehyung just looked around and noticed that his own shirt and jacket is on the floor. His eyes widen and he immediately moved the blanket off of his legs, sighing in relief when he saw his clothed pants. Oh thank god, I thought I fucked someone.

He still didn't remember where he was so he looked around more. Taehyung pushed himself up from the bed and just walked around, trying to find at least a frame of the person who owns this room.

Then he saw it.

It's Namjoon's room

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It's Namjoon's room.

Taehyung fluttered his eyes and picked up the frame, looking more at it. They all three changed so much. All he knows is that Hoseok's hair is a much brighter color, Yoongi's hair is pure black and Namjoon's hair got darker. They barely leave the house anymore.

Namjoon stares at his phone like he's afraid that he'll lose it, Hoseok is more open and active but doesn't really leave the house...and Yoongi? That little devil is awfully secretive and is crushing on like a little kid! Taehyung barely even knows those three.

He just puts the frame back down, deciding to look around more, even if he knows it's Namjoon's room. Well, one thing he remembered is that Namjoon has a list of names of the students in the whole school. The ones with the X'es had a little note beside.

Taehyung saw Choi's name X'ed out. It said beside his name that he didn't kill him. He went down the list to try to find his own name by sliding his finger down on the poster.
He finally found his name after hundreds of other names.

" Taehyung Kim ♥︎ "

Why does his name have a heart?

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