Chpater 16

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Brookies pov- I watch as Liam gets back into the bed. I sit on a folding chair in the back of the room. All the other boys and girls r staring at me. I look out the window. It's pouring I feel like the sky is crying with me. My father and only person that loved me just died. And now some guy said hell take care of me. There's one thing my dad always told me. Not to trust some guys. And I just can't trust this guy. He came in outta know where and said hell help me? Who does that! 'hey r u okay?' I turn around. A very pretty girl was standing over me. 'yes I'm ok. Thmx' she gave me a smile 'I'm Britten by the way..' 'hey my names brookie' we say down next to me. 'can I tell u a secret..' i look at her. She already wants to tell me a secret?? 'um okay..' she starts to cry 'I just lost my baby. And no one here knows how awful I feel but now Ur here and u lost someone... It's hard and I'm really sorry it had to happen to a pretty girl like u. But Liam will take care of u he is such a sweetie' 'I am so sorry Britten! That's hard especially a baby' I give her a hug. - Harry's pov- 'I'm gonna go to get some food' I stand up and leave. Niall runs after me 'I'm coming with' we run to the car getting soaking wet. I shake my hair out when we get in the car. We turn up the radio. Payphone is on. Me and Niall sing along. We get to a restraunt. Me and Niall order food enough for an army while we wait I'm looking out the window there's a couple outside. It looks like they're fighting. Then he hits her. I jump up and run outside. 'hey! U can't go around hitting girls!' he turns around. I regretted coming out here. The guy was at least 5 inches taller then me and ripped. Man I need to work out more. 'what the hell are u doing?? This isn't Ur fight get the hell outta here!!!' I was scared but I wasn't gonna leave 'no!! U can't hit her. Or anyone!!' he hits me in the stomach. Niall runs out 'oi!! Mate what do I think you're doing to me friend??!!!' Niall punches his nose and knocks him down. He comes over to me 'Harry u ok??' my eyes r tearing 'yeah Niall but make sure the girls ok' I sit there holding my stomach. I get up and see Niall and the girl he's standing over her his short was off and he was holding his shirt to her head I go over to them. 'you okay?' then I see the blood. I go inside and get the first aid kit. I clean the cut and put gauze and band aids on it. 'here this is good u okay now?' she opens her eyes. 'yes thank you guys. I was so scared!' I smile at her. She was pretty hot 'it's okay I hate seeing guys like that' she hugged me I held her tight. 'do u need a ride home or something?' she looked into my eyes with great fullness 'ya I do...' 'no prob I'll drop u off come on.' we go to her house and I rip a price of the receipt in half and write my number on it. 'here call me maybe we can hang out! Oh.. Um wraps Ur name?' she grins 'Haily. And I know who U r...'-


Sophie's pov- I hear someone's phone go off . It's nialls he's not here I answer. 'hello?' 'Niall?? It's josh where r u!??? U missed the recording Paul was flipping out u better have a good explanation!!!' I jump up 'omp! I am so sorry josh it's not Niall umm it's Sophie. I'll go tell him. It's just that Liam had to go to the hospital and... I can't believe they forgot I'll tell Niall right away don't worry abt it we are all safe' there was a silent pause 'Sophie? Did u say Liam is in the hospital' it was Paul 'umm ya... He's totally fine tho!' 'ok I trust u I'll be over soon make sure all the guys are there' I hang up. 'nialllleeerrrrr!!!!!!' he comes running in. Just on time 'soph what happened' I handed him his phone back 'Paul called u guys missed the recording!' Niall gasps 'oh my god I can't belive I bloody forgot!' we walk to the rest of the boys. 'guys Paul is coming we missed the recording.' 'where's Liam Payne?? Guys r u in there.. Get off me I need to see him!' we hear Paul's voice in the hallway. Harry runs out to get him. They both come in 'that bloody doctor didn't believe I was Ur manager!' Liam gets up 'Paul we have a lot to talk about' we all watch as they go Into the hallway and talk things over. -Louis pov- Paul looked pretty pissed. I hope he is ok with all this. I hear them yelling. I lean up against the door listening. 'Liam y did u do that idk if we have room for her to just join us!!! And with Niall and Louis having girlfriends its getting very hard!' 'Paul please I promise she won't take up so much room. And I will buy everything she needs u don't have to spend a penny on her!' I jump out of the way when Paul walk in. 'GUYS! This is insane we have to get to the hotel I rescheduled the recording it's tomorrow at 12pm I expect all of u to be there' and with that he left. I go over to Britten 'babe u feeling better?' she hugs me 'yes boo thank you'. We all leave and hop into the car. We r all a bit stricken especially brookie who doesn't know what's flying. We arrive at the hotel 'all of u get a good nights sleep I'll speak to u tomorrow' Paul left and we r finally home.

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