1- The plan

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(Alaya POV)
Hello my name is Alaya I'm fifteen and 3/4 I'm 2 most away from turning sixteen and and leaving this horrible God forbidden hell hole they call the samearage moon pack. For 15 years all they have done is is tournament me and bringing me down I imagine my self being able to Rome free as a rouge just 2 more months and I'm dropping of the map.

Alaya get your ass down her right now you dumb ass bitch!alpha James said. I'm coming!
Why the hell is my food not ready! It's not ready because I woke up late you prick! Who the hell do you think your talking to you bitch.You already now what today is so don't disrespect me or today will be the day you regret being born.Sorry prick!Get to work you dirty hoe.

Today is important I guess it's the day where four other packs are coming to make an alliance or some shit. Great no have to make all this food for these fat assess and I have to also cover up my scars so my pack doesn't get painted in a bad light.

__3 hours later__

While I was getting ready I heard a knock on the door and I turned around to see it was John the only person who kinda cares about me so yeah. Let's go dumb ass. Right behind you Fucktard.

Nice for you guys to join us it's time to eat the delicious meal that was prepared by our on and only Alaya. Isn't she great! Thank you for the recognition Alpha James. You are very welcome Alaya, let's eat everyone.

Over the whole course of the meal I felt really uncomfortable because everyone from my pack was watching me like u would just fuck up something. Like I'm not a rookie I might as well be a highly acclaimed actress.

__2 Hour later__

Thank you everyone for co and I am happy to announce that we are all joins as forces.Have a nice evening. (Everyone left) Dumb bitch make sure to wash all these dishes a d when your done make sure not to wake anybody. Don't try anything alright!
Of course Fucktard James. What did you just say! I said of course alpha James.if you speak out of line again your done for.Got it! Yes got it.

__Almost 2 months later__

It was about two days before my birthday and the day I would go rouge I was excited to be honest almost out of this hell hole. Everyone thought I was acting weird but I guess the just thought maybe it's because my birthday was coming up.Nobody not even James cared it was almost my birthday but I didn't care that can all fuck themselves .It was around 11:40pm these assholes had party like every Sunday so I had to clean up of course. After I cleaned that shit up I took a shower and went to bed.

It was 4:56 I had to be up soon so might as well get ready cuz you know alpha dick head would be grumpy without his food. Asshole. At this time tomorrow I would be rather gone or going to leave so I happy. 5:30am.Hey slut where's my food?! It's right there alpha James. Enjoy!Don't leave I need to talk to you. About? You know your turning 16 soon and I just wanted to say that when you find your mate they will be just as unless as you and the probably won't like your bitchy ass so have fun with that!Dk you understand?! Yes I understand alpha James. Now go make some food ready for the rest of the pack and get your ass to school. Ok alpha.

__At school__
It was weird and kind of scary to think that tomorrow I would be leaving and couldn't stop think about the fact that I could get caught bet it's alright I will at least try. When I got home I packed a small backpack and hid it so when it's was time to go I could just leave. I decided on leaving and going to the kingdom because they usually help rouges and others on the run so maybe they could help. It was really dangerous though because the kingdom is so far and I have to go through 2 rival packs. I should be alright though cuz when Im going is really early so nobody should really notice hopefully.

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