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(Tami's POV)
Coming!,Who the fuck-Oh it's you!Yes it's me we need to talk,can I come in?Uh sure,what do you want to talk about?Oh come on you know what we are about to talk about so stop actin like a dumbass.
Damn well you ain't gotta be a bitch!Im not so now let's talk!So why are you here?Im here because you called me your mate.Well yeah I can call you that cause your my mate.Ok well since we're mates then let's get to know each other.Fine with me.Whats your name?Its Tami.How old are you?19.Ok what's your favorite color?Orange.Favorite song?I don't have one I listen to different types of music.Ok what do you like to do in your free time?I paint,listen to music etc.Ok that's cool.What about you how old are you?17.Color?Blue.Favorite song?Same answer as yours.What do you do in your spare time?I eat,sleep,smoke,dance and sometimes graffiti.Ok well we need to talk about us being mates.Cool so...
I don't want to reject you cause you don't seem too bad and your kinda cute.Aww thanks I guess I don't want to reject you either your too hot for that.

So what do you want to do?Lets go out to eat.Ok,If you wanted to take me on a date you should've just asked.What I wa-.Im just messing with you but I wouldn't mind a date.Fine then let me take you on a date.Ok papi,where we gonna go?What did you just call me?Oh papi don't be faded now let's go!Your bold aren't you?Papi ain't it obvious!Stop calling me that unless you want to get you guts rearranged!Oh I'm sorry Papi I will stop cause I'm so scared!You really like to push my limits and we haven't known each other for that long.You will get used to it Papi now can we go?Um yeah.Whats wrong Papi your voice seems shaky?N-No-Nothing is wrong?

(JaNeece's POV)
As you can see I love to mess with people so I am definitely gonna have fun with hot stuff over there.What should I do next?Maybe flirting with her.Yeah see I'm smart ass shit y'all.So Papi where we gonna go for our date?Um we gonna go to the mall and eat there.Ok Papi so you takin me shopping too?Uhh sure.Damn Papi what ever would I do with out you?I'm gonna have repay you but how?I don't know figure it out!?Aww Papi don't get upset I will take you on a date next time we go out so don't be mad.Why do you keep calling me that?Calling you what?You keep calling me Papi?Oh that,cause I feel like it.Why you don't like me calling you Papi?I uhh it's fine.Ok Papi why do you seem so awkward though even though you like it?I don't really know.

Ok well Papi you gonna have to get used to it cause I ain't stoppin.Ok mama's.Mama's?Yep since you want to call me Papi I'm gonna call you Mama's.
(I know that this is cringeworthy for some but I don't give a fuck so.Yeah that shit is cute.)Fine.Papi are we there yet?We gonna be there in a couple of minutes mama's.Ok.What no more calling me Papi no more?No I'm gonna continue but if you say it so much it loses its value.Your right!I know I am Papi I ain't no dumbass.I see that.Thank you.Mama's we here.Yay Papi takin me shopping.
Thats right mama's.
(I know what your thinking.They going to fast but I see them as U-hall lesbians to some extent.)
So what you gonna get here.I don't know.How about this we pick our clothes for each other then we can see what we like.Ok what's your size in clothes and shoes,style and colors you like the most.In shoes I'm a 8,in shirts I'm a medium and pants 34 and any color.Im a size 6 1/2,shirts I'm a small and in pants I'm a 32 and I mostly were neon and pastel colors. It any color works.Ok I'm on my way meet me here at 3.Ok Peace.
Hey Papi what's up?
Where are you?
I'm on my way I was talking to someone.
My ex girlfriend
Cause she wouldn't leave me alone for some reason when she saw me.
Don't worry Papi I only got eyes for you.
You better!
Aww Papi you jealous?
Sure.I see you so I'm coming.
That's what she said.
Oh Papi if that's what you want me to say you can lay it down on me.
Uhh I-Bye.
Call Ended.

Papi I'm hungry can we go eat now?Yeah let's go baby girl.Baby girl?Yeah I'm just gonna give you a whole bunch of nicknames.Ok.What you want to eat?Charleys.Ok Charleys it is.
~~Minutes after they finish there food~~
Mama's let me see the stuff you got me.Ok but let me see what you got me.Ok switch.

Damn mama's I like it

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Damn mama's I like it.Your welcome I know I got good taste,you got good taste of whatever.I know I do.What time is it?4:49.Oh shit we gotta go!Why?Alaya needs my help with something and I said I would come over at 5:15.Ok then let's go!Thank you for today Papi.Anytime Baby girl.

Ok so it might seems as that the did the same thing as alaya and Mira for there first date cause that's what happen.I didn't have ideas so oh well.

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