6-Sharing secrets Part.1

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__2 weeks after their first date.__
Let me give you guys some information real quick. So Alaya and Mira have been on 2 date since  their first one.They have also have been spending a lot of time together and Mira ends up making a big decision.That could change Alya's perspective of Mira.
(Mira's POV aka Keenan )[Carter's POV]
Ok so me and Alaya have been hanging out for a while right and I don't know if I should show her my true self.Cuz what if she doesn't like me for who I am or thinks I am weird for my other secret.[Oh,enough with that she is your mate and by the way your secret is kinda big but she won't mind.]Yeah right!But what if she is just like people who don't like me for the specific reason.[She can't be,she seems really special and to be honest I really like her and you like her to.
She seems to like us as a person.]Ok your right!I gonna tell her but later after we hang out ok.[Ok].

Today was really busy,but it isn't out of the usual for me to work a lot.Today I had to travel to my packs territory to see if everything was good and they all said yeah.And of course they all now my true identity I do trust them and I told them all about their hopefully soon to be Luna.They all seemed to be really happy about my news.Your probably wondering why don't you live with your pack?,or why do you have a pack house and a castle?Well let me tell you!I don't live with my pack because I wanted to wait until I unmask my self to my mate and to the supernatural world.And the reason I have a castle is to obviously stay until I move there then the castle with be for the rest of my family to live safe and sound in.

(Alaya's POV)
I was completing on wether I should tell Keenan he was really angry for some time because of my scars but I guess he let it go.It was kinda sweet the way he was acting better no one really cared about me the way he did call it the mate bond or what ever you want to call I really like him and I hope he really likes me too.Ramina on the other hand is really thinking about a lot of things and most of them dirty too.Like I will be hanging out with Keenan and ramina would put a whole bunch of images in my head and i would start moving a lot while getting really hot and Keenan would start looking at me weird.I would rather have him think I'm weird than now the reason behind my actions.There is this slightly rare condition that some wolfs get when there mate is getting horny or hot and bothered they can sense it and smell their arousal. I know it's weird but what do you expect from some werewolf's.

There is also rumor that Keenan might have magical powers.I don't mind it cuz that would be cool but like what powers exactly?Oh well I hope to find out one day.I should get going and meet Keenan at our spot so we can hang.I waited for about 10 minutes when he came outside with that god damn hood might I add.Like what is he trying to hide does he think he is ugly or dose he have scars like what is with the hood.I guess I should ask.Uh hey Keenan so can I ask you a question?Yeah whats up! Well why do you where the hood everywhere?And did you get hurt or something and that's the reason?Uh no I um I haven't been hurt and I really don't know an answer to the first question.So then let me see your face.Ok but later! Let's hangout! Ok, let's hangout!
~~Time skip~~
Ok so when are you going to show me your face pretty boy. Um I guess right now, but let me explain something to you first. Ok.Well um what I am about to show you is not going to change my feelings towards you no matter your reaction and I hope your feelings towards me don't.I also have something bigger to tell you no pun intended.Ok what is it?Well um I am not a man I am a woman!(Mira reveals herself)and my name isn't Keenan it's really Mira!
Really!Why did you lie to me!And most importantly why are you so much hotter than me!Now I'm pissed off.Don't you touch me!Why I'm sorry it had to come out!Im not mad because of that I'm mad cause you lied to me and your way out of my league!Oh don't feel that way your beautiful and your way better looking then any other girl I have ever seen.Really you mean it?Of course I do your nice chocolate skin,brown eyes your perfect body and your beautiful brownish-black hair your beautiful. You mean it!Of course I do!Ok well I your prettier though you have the perfect toned body you have beautiful gray eyes and nice long hair and nice ivory skin!Your hot!Thanks I could say the same about you!

Wait what do you mean your have to tell me something and it's bigger than the news you just gave me?If you have a hot twin I'm gonna faint.Hey one it isn't that and two don't you ever think about another women like that ever again.So what I'm here'd I'd don't think about that way about women but I can men.Thats a deal right there!You better not!,and if I catch your flirting with some else like you did on our first date I will murder them and I will give you the cold shoulder!Ok fine,but seriously what is it?Well you know how like 15minutes ago you thought I was a guy? Yeah! Well I have a certain male body part! Do you have a dick?Ring da-ding ding ding!You got it correct!Let me see it!What?!Let me see it!Why do you want to see it?!I don't know I just do!Fine but don't freak out!Ok I won't!(shows dick)That isn't going anywhere near me,it's big ass hell! But how are we supposed to have fun with our clothes off?Naked while watch tv!But then it will be near you!Oh well I am not going to be naked around you ever!Oh well see about that!Yes we will!

Well that's a rap next chapter Alaya will tell her secret!And yeah hopefully Mira doesn't kill anyone because of it.Peace fuckers!😘

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