14- Futer Events

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(Alaya's POV)
So what happened after I left you alone?Nothing.Sure you can barely dance and you've been standing this whole time.Nice observation,like I said nothing.Yeah sure,I got some news tho.What is it?I ain't tellin cuz you won't tell me what happened after I left.Girl seriously!Yep now spill!Fine.Tami dicked me down with a 14 inche.Bruh you lying!Naw what I gotta lie for?Damn girl!What happened to you?Oh I got dicked down but with like 10 maybe 11 inches.Im surprised you not hurt.Right but you honey no I could never!Whatever you owe me!Owe you what?I said I was gonna punch you in the stomach didn't I.Oh yeah just d-Oww! Sorry you said to just do it so I did!Its fine what time is it?Nine.I got to go!Why?Mira and me is having a date night!Ok girl I see you have fun or whatever!Bye!Bye!
~~Minutes later~~
Babe I'm home!In the kitchen!So what we gonna do for our date?Eat and watch a movie.Sounds good let me just shower.Ok don't take to long!I won't!
(After Alaya's shower)So what we eating and what are we watching.We are eating pizza and chicken with brownies all made by yours truly and we are gonna watch Suicide squad.Ok let's do it.
~~Hours later~~
Hello JaNeece what do you want?Ditch the attitude I'm here to talk to Alaya it's urgent.Alaya your bestie is here!Hey JaNeece what's up?Can we talk outside? Yeah, now what's wrong? She called me?Who Addison! Why is she calling you now? I don't know but get this Alex is with her like they are some team. Fuck,Fuck,Fuck!Im worried.Me too maybe we should tell Mira and Tami.We should but tomorrow like we can all hangout tomorrow and tell them.Ok now go back home and be safe.You too see you tomorrow.See you tomorrow.

So you gonna tell me who Addison and Alex are!?Um what?Tell me who they are!Look me and JaNeece are going to tell you tomorrow just wait!No it's always wait or me an JaNeece or some excuse!Mira just trust me ok!Fine I'm sleeping out here!No your not.And why not!Because last time you slept out here we didn't see or talk for like 3 weeks.It isn't that deep. Yes it is so where ever your sleeping I'm sleeping there too!Fine let's go to bed.

~~Tomorrow afternoon~~
JaNeece why did you stop?I-I she's in my head!Who?Alaya it's-it's—Is it Addison?No it's Alex.How the hell if she's—She's not!Oh shit we are screwed!What the hell is going on with you too!We need to tell something to the both of you!Ok what is it?Lets talk outside let's go!Janeece come on sweetheart it's ok everything is gonna be alright.But what if this shit goes down hill.It won't we are prepared.Ok.

So um we have to talk about our weirdness.Yeah you guys do so what's up?So um well a couple of weeks ago I had gotten a call from someone from my past.It was a girl named Addison.And who is Addison to you?She is my um my um ex-girlfriend.Then why the hell is she calling you!?Um because she wants me back and that's not all janeece tell them!Oh um well yesterday when I got to the house I was on my phone when all of a sudden I had gotten a mind link message from Alex a girl who I used to date.So that's why you where acting weird yesterday wow!

We are sorry we didn't tell you guys but we where scared of what you guys would do! Is that all you guys have to say!Um so when we go to the old house at the end of territory we don't usually dance that much we are usually um training.Why?!Cuz JaNeece say something!Uh well it's because no I think Alaya you should tell them!No I think you should!Hey how about one of you say it or I'm gonna make you say it.So um look Mira it's not that bad me nor Alaya technically did anything wrong.Speak!Um so we'll I don't know about Alex but it's a high probability that Addison and Alex are coming to come get us!Lets go now we need to hold a pack meeting pronto!I um ok.

(Unknown's POV)[Unknowns Wolf's POV]
I finally tracked her down![Yes so what's the next move]We need to observe her then approach her in a couple of days to see what happens.[Nice but I want to talk to my child!]Yeah me too and so dose everyone else in our pack![Whatever,go fuck yourself.]

Them bitches are in trouble.Lets see what happens at the Paavo meeting.😰😳

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