4-We just met

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(Mira's POV)
It has been 2 days since I met my mate I hadn't seen her much which really pissesed of my wolf Carter but he'll get over it.I had to help about 10-20 more roughs and Runaways make it to a safe place and today I found some land that could give them all a place to stay for years to come. So I had talked to the committee and they told me to buy it because it could be a nice place for everyone to live peacefully.
When I did they were all transported there they seemed to be happy about it so hopefully that shit works out.

(Alaya's POV)
Ramina was really missing her mate and I missed him too. I was starting to get really sad even though I didn't really know him yet.I was hoping to talk and get to know him.I was kinda scared though cuz he's the fucking KING for crying out loud.Enough about that I decided to look around the room and check if I can find anything to distract me.After looking for forever I found a Rubik cube,I remember when I had one of these when I was younger so I decided to solve it.

(Mira's POV)
When I was done with paperwork,I decided to to go visit Alaya.When I entered the room I couldn't find her so I looked into the bathroom she wasn't there, then I heard some noise coming from the closest when I looked inside she was in there sitting on the floor playing my old rubiz cube.She must have been really smart because she was almost done.

Um hello there Alaya.Oh shit uh hello kin-keenen.
What you got there? Um a Rubix cube I found.
Oh well I was wondering if you wanted to talk and get to know each other.Um yeah sure.Ok let's go!
So why do you hide your face?I have secret to hide and I do show my face to special people in my life and I'm hoping to show you once I get to know you.
Well ok. Um how old are you?22.How dose this relationship work? What do you mean? Uhh like how do mates workout like what happens? Well from what my family has said and what I have read it's just like finding your soulmate,its like no matter what no one can be above them. Oh ok well that sounds great. Yeah it does.So that's gonna be us because we are mates. Yes but it requires time and hardwork.Well I hope it all works out.Yeah me too.

Well uhh do you want to hang out some time like go on a date or something like that?Yes,of course I will.
Ok how about Friday this week. Ok.

Sorry this chapter is really short I was having slight writers block but I am trying to make the first date chapter next.

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