5-First date

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(Mira's POV)
I was really nervous because it was my first actual date in a while.I want it to be perfect because I can't say if I love her yet but I know I could one day.She was so beautiful and she was what seemed like very smart I just want to have my happily forever after with her. She was all I could ask for. It's around like 3:35pm so I should tell her to get ready so we can go on our date.

I was planning on taking her on a date of going out to eat obviously and to go shopping because she really doesn't really have many belongings here.Me and Carter were talking to each other and we were wondering what those scars on her are from I had only been able to see her arm for like 30 seconds but I have a feeling that there are more.Its really Insetaling because I want to know how they got there but I want to know if she did it or who did it and why. Anyways I should go tell her to get ready.

(Alaya's POV)
It was around 3:40pm when Keenan came inside my room and told me it was time to get ready.He gave me some clothes to where and they seemed like something he would where but slightly smaller for him but big for me. But I will make due and find away to hide my scares and make it look decent.

When I got out of the shower there was a tiny bag with someone essentials in it I was really happy cuz I needed them. When I was done getting ready I sat done for awhile then I decided to go look for my mate.Its kinda weird to say they but it's whatever. When I got to the top of there stairs I saw Keenan talking to someone so I waited till he was done.
When he saw me he asked Me if I was ready and of course he had his hood on. I just want to see his face hopefully he will show me soon.

Um hey Keenan I'm ready when are we leaving?When your ready.Oh well I'm done,so we can leave.ok.So what are we gonna be doing tonight?
Uh I was planning on taking to go out to eat at lorenzo's  then we can go the mall and to get you some more belongings. So let's get going.

__On The Date__
(Alaya's POV)
When we were in the car and I and Ramina started thinking about random things when my mind landed on the topic of Keenan. It really doesn't make any sense he looks big and muscular but his clothes seem smaller and more what women will were.like they are big for the average woman but small for the average man.Maybe I'm thinking to much into it.(I am in no way trying to make fun of anybody's body type.-Moni)

We had finally made it to the place called Lorenzo's it looked really nice.It was small it look family owned.When we where sitting down a server came I think her name was kinly she was kinda hot.I know I know I shouldn't be thinking about how hot she is when I have a mate but damn I'm not blind.I think she notice I was checking her out and she started flirting with me it was so cute.I guess Keenan notice cuz he was get annoyed.I like to cause trouble but only with my friends.Maybe I should stop because I don't want the rest of my life ending up life the beginning.

(Mira's POV)[Carters POV]
You can't be fucking serious I am on date with my fucking mate.She is Mine and only MINE![Who dose this bitch thinks she is?She acting like a hoe is it not fucking obvious that We are on a date.]Im about to say something.Um excuse me can you NOT TRY TO FLIRT WITH MY DAMN GIRL while we're are on a date!Oh um I'm sorry I didn't realize.Yeah we'll realize quick and do your job.Im sorry sir,it won't happen again!Yeah ok carryon.And you what the hell your letting some girl flirt with you will Were on a date and the worst part is your enjoying it.

Well I didn't mean to make you mad it jut harmless fun it's not like I want her or like her.I like you not her. Oh really what do you really like me I didn't realize because that girl was minutes away from putting her tongue down your throat and I don't know what to do and I really do like you so I don't hope you don't think I'm awful or something.I could never think your awful I hope you don't think I'm awful.Well we should finish eating.Yeah.
__30Mintues later__
Well um let's go to the mall now so we can get you some things.Oh ok thanks for being so nice. Anything for you darling only want the best for you after all you are my queen and you are the queen of all queens. Oh thank you I guess that makes you like the king of all kings Ha.
So what stores do you want to go into? I don't really know I've never been to the mall before are usually in my old pack I usually was in the house all the time doing chores and learning. Why weren't you ever outside and why were  you always inside learning and doing chores? Well it's a long story,I will tell you another time but long story short the time when I was younger I always wasn't treated the best at times right away I was sure not treated the best at my old  pack. Is that why her all those scars on you and your arms and your body? Yeah kind off. I want to know what happened to you and I wanna know who did it so I can punish them for what they've done and I want you to know what's mine. Let's let's make a deal if you show me your face then I will tell you what happened and I trust you I don't want you to tell anybody else and I don't want you going around hurting people ok.I will try but once something happens to you I will snap and I will have to punish the people who did this.ok you can do it but don't over due it.I would never overdue it I will just make the memorie be in graved in there brains.Ok let's finish the date first mind you it's the first date. Yeah but I am your mate so I already know it's forever.Yeah yeah Mate!

What will Mira(Keenan)and Alaya do about  trusting each other's and revealing there secrets to each.Hope fully Alaya excepts Mira?
1. Should I make this a book series?
2.What should I do for chapter 6?
I hope everyone stays safe from the coronavirus.😁

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