7-The Visit

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(Mira's POV)
~~1 week after the reveal~~
So babygirl your sure you don't want me to come with you to visit your old pack?Yeah I want to go on my own.But why can't I go with you?Cuz I don't want you to see my past or hear about it.But I want to learn about it more other than the small information you gave me last week.No!Baby please just don't come with me.Fine!(I said frowning)Baby don't be mad I will make it up to you I promise!You promise?Yeah baby I promise!Ok I'm am going to head out to confront my past have fun here I will be back around 8-9ish.Ok baby be safe!I will bye.

It's been 10 minutes since Alaya left and I'm kinda sad ever since the unveiling we have lived in the pack neighborhood.We have our own house it's really nice and Alaya seems to like it.We have bonded more over the past couple of days it's been really fun.We have made it through another stage off our relationship like now we cuddle and do a lot of couple stuff and we make out and stuff like that her lips are so soft.She is really bold like once we were cuddling and she turned to me and we started making out and she climbed on top of me and then tried to pull my shirt off but we stoped cuz I told her I wait because I wanted her to know me first and get used to me.
Incoming call

What's up baby everything alright?
Yeah I'm almost there I just wanted to talk to you.
Oh ok what are you going to say to them?
I'm probably going to talk about how they hurt me and how I don't forget easily just to scare them then I am gonna hangout with my Ex and go out to eat with her or something.
Your Ex.Ex what?
Um-mm Ex best friend!
Your lying!
No I'm not!
Yes you are!When your lying you stutter.Just tell me the truth.
I'm not lying!
Yes you are!
Fine it's my ex girlfriend!
And why are you going to see your ex girlfriend?Are y'all going to fuck of something cuz I swear t-
Why would you think I want to fuck her!We are just going to catch up cuz we haven't talked in a while!
Yeah catch up.with your tongues(I whispered)
I heard that and I only want to fuck one person and that person isn't her!
Who is this person so I can snap there necks?!
It's you dumbass!Why would I want to fuck someone other then my mate!
I don't know you tell me!
Whatever I will call you later I have arrived.Bye!
~~Call Ended~~
Like who goes and visits their Ex!You don't go around talking to your exes that's just stupid.Especially when your in a relationship!Thats why she didn't want me to go with her so her and her ex could "talk".She just gets on my nerves sometimes.I should do something before I kill someone.
(Alaya's POV)
I finally arrived time to set things straight!
Coming,said someone inside.
Hello queen it's nice to see you again,said James the beta.
Hey James I missed you!I missed you too!Yeah I beat you do!Tell everyone to come downstairs so we can talk in the living room!Yes Queen.Everyone come downstairs the queen is here!
~~Minutes later~~
So I came here to reminisce,talk to you all,Catch up with you guys!So what have you been doing since I have been gone?!We where looking for you for a while,said the omega.Who told you to speak,said Alpha James!Oh shush I want him to speak!See he seems nice!So omega what is your name again I never really seen you around?!Oh I'm Erick!So Erick how is your life here and do tell the truth!?Um well it's great Everyone is nice and I'm I am learning how to cook and clean more you know for the future.I can tell your lying!I am not lying your majesty I promise!Oh really so how are you learning these things?I am cooking and cleaning for the pack you know helping out.Oh so where is your room show me too it.Uh it's your old room.

Oh ok well let me see who I want to talk to next!Oh Luna how much I want to talk to you!
What have you been doing?I umm-m.Stop stuttering.Sorry I have been training doing the normal.Oh really so what has happened since I left you seem unhappy!I am fine our pack is doing good but we all must your dearly and I personally love your visit.Oh I should visit more,uhh yeah.So I have bone to pick with you all.Why!Why what,
alpha James said.Why torment me for year over something I can't control!Alpha you first!Um I am truly sorr-No your not if you where sorry you would have stoped along time ago when I used to cry and scream!I know I can't make up for what I put you though and I if I could take I back I would.Sure you would so Luna your next!I um I was intimidated by you!Why it that?!Because your so beautiful and smart!Oh thank you don't be intimidated even though you just said that I still hate you and you me.
Beta your up! I was following what i was told to do. Oh so monkey see monkey do!Delta your up! Oh I just hated you from the get go and you where and still are annoying! One don't raise your fucking voice at me I have the power to tear you and this pack apart make all of you rouges remember that !Ok Lead warrior your up!I don't know what to say.Ok so you did it for no reason just for fun ok! You other warriors are just like your beta!Oh healer Luran how about you!I just want to say I'm sorry and the reason is because i felt like I hade power over you.Oh ok the little power you had you used great!Now omega I like you and you never bothered me and you seem like a good kid,so I tell you what I will see if you can be taken good care of and I will be back sometime next week to check on you.Thank you Queen!You can call me Alaya.As for the rest of you if he even has a scratch on him who ever did it will pay.Now I have to leave I really missed you guys see you all later bye.
Oh and be careful who you fuck with cuz karma is a bitch!I didn't know your name was karma!,said the delta.Delta your pushing my limits I am not on to be fucked with so say some slick shit again and I will make sure my mate deals with your ass!

(Evelyn is Alaya's Ex)
Uh hey Alaya I am almost ther is it ok if I bring my mate?
Yeah of course you should have told me I would have brung my mate too!
Uhh sorry but maybe if we can hangout another time and you can bring her!
Sounds like a plan!I am like five minutes away see you soon!
Yeah see you soon!Bye!
Call Ended
~~5minutes later~~
Hey Eve I missed you!I missed you to!Um this is my mate Jackie.Hello Jackie nice to meet you!Nice to meet you too!So let's catch up.Yeah.
~~30 minutes later~~
Do you remember that time when we skipped school and ended up—Oh no don't finish that sentence I remember that day clearly Eve.Oh really you still a bottom?Oh of course Eve I could never be a top.Yeah good thing I'm a switch.Yeah good thing.So when and how did you guys meet?Um remember that day you broke up with me after school and I had stormed away well I was going through the woods and that's how we met.Oh I am sorry about how things ended I wasn't trying to hurt you.Its ok cuz we both have our mates now.Yeah thank the moon goddess that they where both girls cuz I didn't want to answer a call from you saying that your mate is a guy!That would be awful I would literally die!Yeah you would well look I have to go so bye it was nice catching up and nice meeting you Jackie.Nice meeting you too this may seem weird but can u get a hug?Oh um sure!(They hug)Goodbye guys.Goodbye!

~Later on back on the packs territory~
Inside Alaya's and Mira's home
Hey babe i am home I brung you some good!Babe where are you?Babe?Shit!(running up the stairs)Babe where are you?Im in our room!
Hey babe what up you ok?Yeah can I ask you something really quick?Yeah what's up?Why the hell do you smell like another alpha?!Because I was at my old pack house.So we are lying now!?Why is the smell of a female alpha radiating off of your body and keep in mind that only happens when an female or male alpha is close to you and dose it on purpose?So I know it's a female alpha cuz they have two different smells!Ok.So did you fuck another woman who happens to be a alpha?!?!No!Why would you think that?Cuz the fucking smell of another alpha is radiating off of your body so is your Ex and alpha or something!No!Then would do you smell like another alpha ?!?!I was with my Ex and her mate!Oh ok so you fucked your ex and her mate who is probably a alpha or did you fuck the alpha alone?Or are you lying to me and you went to go fuck someone else,Mira said punching her hand in the wall.Mira please calm down I didn't fuck anybody else I haven't for a while!What do you mean not for a while!So you fucked your ex before you meet me?!Yes I was dating her you need to calm down it's not that serious!Yes it is you fucked someone else before your own damn mate.How many times?What?!HOW MANY FUCKING TIMES?!I don't know like over 20 times!Wow it was that goo huh?Umm-m.Answer me!Was it that good!?Yes alright it was good it was so good we fucked over 20 times what do you want me to lie!Thats in the past so let it go!Wow how many exes have you had?Only two.Oh ok how many times did you fuck the first one!?About 30 time!Why the hell are you getting mad anyways I did those things before I got with you!It doesn't matter no one but your mate should touch you like that!Well I am sorry you feel that way I am going to take a shower and go to bed hopefully you have calmed down bye then.Fine act like an ass I am going to sleep on the couch!Ok fine goodbye!

Well aww the possessive vibes coming from Mira I kinda feel bad for Alaya cuz Mira is overreacting but it's whatever.

💫Stay safe during the coronvirus.💫
Have a good day or night or whatever time it is right where you are.

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