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(Mira's POV)[Carter's POV]
Hey Brian tell everyone we are having a pack meeting in 10 minutes.Ok,you ok?Yeah.Where is the Luna?Hanging with her si-friend in the human world.When is she coming back?I don't know now go  and get everyone!Ok.

Why is this how things are going?Like I know we were going to fight at some point but if it's going to be like this I don't know.Maybe I should call her.[Maybe it's to soon only a couple of hours have passed]Yeah,so I miss her![I know but you just falsely accused her of cheating and lieing]Yeah your right maybe I should call her.[Yeah try that]
Come on pick up.pick up!
You have reached the voicemail of Alaya-
Dam it she is probably still mad!Uh Alpha Everyone is here.Ok I am coming.
So everyone you all are probably wondering why I called you here.I need 3 of you to watch out for your Luna while she is in the human world.Ok!(They all said) So Hidi,Dylan and Tami,you all will be the ones going to be looking after her.Ok!(They all said)
Pack a bag for like 2 months I don't know how long she decided to stay and make sure her or anyone she is around notices you too much.Ok!Now get packing as for the rest of you guys you all are dismissed.

Hey Alpha can I talk to you?Yeah,What's up?Did something happen between you and the Luna?
No,why do you ask?Something is off about you.
Well I am fine,I have to get some work done so carry on with whatever you need to do somewhere else.
Of course.

(Alaya's POV)
I am here bitch.Hey dumbass finally!Yeah it's been a long time since I was here!Yeah so let's catch up!
So do you have a mate now or what?Yeah her name is Mira she is great but she is a pain in the ass sometimes.Ok at least you got someone.What happened to Alex?She is a cheater.For real who did she cheat with?Some girl named Maxine,it's whatever cuz I hope she is happy.Really your one to hold grudges.I know I'm trying to do better,ever since the break up and started going to therapy,
trying to form new habits and things like that.I also got a new job.Where?Um at Nina's coffee shop across the street.Oh cool,do you still do dance?Yeah,do you?No.Bitch why not!I haven't had time.
Oh well while your staying with me we are doing it together.Like 5x a month I rent a private room so we can practice there.Ok that sounds cool!

Why did you come to visit so suddenly anyways?Oh well I got into a fight with Mira.About?Oh well you remember Evelyn?Yeah.Well I went to visit her and we'll she has a mate who I am guessing is an alpha,I hugged them both then when I got home Mira flipped out cuz I smelled like a female alpha.Ok.Then she started accusing me of cheating one her then she asked me about my past relationships and she found out I'm not a Virgin and she got mad.I understand partly but then again she is being extra.Right,well this morning we got into another argument cuz I told her I was gonna come here and she started accusing me of cheating on her with you and started saying you were my side hoe.Well she seems like a piece of work.Yes she is.You can stay as long as you want.Well I am gonna go back in like 2-3 weeks.Ok,we'll go to the guest room I have to go talk to my boss.You should come back and live with me cuz girl you to powerful for the human world.I know but you never know what can happen to me there.Yes I understand but my mate can protect you.How!She is the king.You lying!Nope when I go back you can come with me and see for yourself.Ok bet!Bet!

Yo Al you wanna go get some food and watch some Tv.Yeah sure.What do you want to eat!Chipotle!Ok I'm gonna go out and get some more Red Bull and maybe some weed!Ok make sure you get me a burrito and some weed too!Ok thot!Bye hoe!Bye!
~~10 minutes later~~
Hello,anyone there?Hey you,is your name JaNeece!Yes!I need to tell you something!Um ok can we go into the light?Sure!Hello my name is Tammy and I have a message from Alaya's mate telling you to leave her alone her you will regret it.Ok well tell Mira I don't give a shit and that she knows nothing about me so maybe she should talk to me first!Listen here you litt-MATE!Oh no that can't be right!Well it is,since I can't hurt my own mate just listen to my warning cuz someone else will do it for me.Your an asshole and so is Mira.Now let me go so I can get my food and leave!Fine,but I will be back trust me when I say that.
Hey,I'm back!Ok,why you take so long!Your girl sent someone to deliver a message to me to remind me not to try anything.Wait what?!Oh it's nothing let's eat!Are you sure!Yeah I ain't scared of no bitch!No offense.None taken.

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