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(Mira's POV) aka Keenan
I just don't understand why it's taking so long for me to find my mate. Like did the moon goddess just forgot to give me one. I hope not I want to be happy just like the rest of my family. My mom keeps saying that is I don't find my mate soon she will marry me off to someone. I really don't want that cuz I don't want to live there rest of my life as a lie. I'm fucking 22 for crying out loud like come on moon goddess.

Enough thinking about that. I have to think about all this work that needs to be done. I need to prepare the castle because of the people they will be visiting. My pack Is full of fucking slobs. Like dammit clean up after your selves.I should go to sleep it's 2:34am great.

(Alaya's POV)
It's finally time I should leave now.It's 2:34am great!
I out on my backpack and left my note I made sure I had everything because I knew I hopefully wouldn't be coming back here ever. I jump out of the window luckily my room is in the first floor. As soon as I was out a just booked it. After about 35-40 minutes I heard the sirin I was luckily almost out of the third packs territory but I still had 2 more of the Packs territory before I would be on the final couple of banned territory then after those I would be in the kingdom.

I could here people chasing me and it was a big problem because I was getting tired and the more I ran the more people came to get me 15 minutes passed and I have on more pack house before I could stop and find somewhere to rest.after some more running It was probably 3:00-3:30 and was about to reach the end of the last packs territory there was probably about 50 wolves after me but I didn't care I had to make it I had too. After I guess what was another 5 minutes I made it to the end of the packs territory and onto the forbidden packs territory. When I did that the all just stopped and turned around and left. Except alpha James he told me that If I ever showed my face anywhere near the pack I would be killed.

I didn't give one fuck's cuz I was free I found a place to rest then I stayed for about 10 minutes until I was feeling better and I began running again.About an hour later I had finally got out of those to last packs who would no the where do big. It was whatever I had finally made it to the kingdom i was probably around 4 or 5 am the sun was rising and I knew they didn't accept anyone until 6am so I just rested for about an hour or so before going to the guard's.
After pleading with them for what seemed like forever I was let in and put into a group or roughs and Runaways we were all told that the king was going to meet us all at breakfast which was at 8:00 so I had time to kill. I had took out the book I packed with me. I know what your thinking that I'm such a nerd out of all the things I could have brung I brung a book. Well this book holds great value to me it's was a gift from my father to my mother and my mom gave hid it for me for when I got older.

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