15-Pack Meeting

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(Alaya's POV)
We are screwed!Yes we are but we have to go to the back meeting so time to be even more scared.I know for a fact the are gonna ask us about them.Shit  your right we are definitely screwed.
Hey you to everyone is waiting on you so let's go!
Coming!(they said in unison)
So I have called you into this meeting because we are going into our emergency training protocol!The reason consist of keeping these too safe because two people are after them.Yes,alpha!On behalf on me and JaNeece we are sorry for this and we could deal with this on our owns!Sure you can!Everyone dismissed!Yo let's book it.Nope not you too!

So are you guys gonna tell us about what happened between each of you and yours ex's for them to want you both back!?Well uh janeece you first!Bitch!Well uh me and Alex broke up around 4 months ago,um because she cheated on me and our relationship was kinda toxic.Ok is that all.Well no um I recently found out that it may seem that Alex isn't human but I don't know how she mind linked with me.Ok now Alaya!So well Addison was the first girl I dated and she is very um abusive you could say.Excuse me!Well um also when we broke up she had moved away but before she moved away she said that she would come back for me I just didn't believe her.Great Tami and JaNeece go home I need to talk to alaya alone.Ok!Janeec get your ass in the house in the next ten seconds or we have a problem!Ok!

I honestly was scared as hell.Mira's eyes have changed color they look like a dark red color like blood.What scared me the most is that she isn't talking she is just looking at me like she is mad.
I um-When were you gonna tell me?!Nev-Never are you serious!Im sorry I just didn't want you to freak out like you did today!Well mission failed!Im sorry.
Yeah I know you are but let me ask you something what would have happened if they came and no one was prepared!I wasn't thinking about that.Of course you weren't just leave I need to think.Im sorry.Yeah you better be not get out before I do something I don't want to do!I-ok.

(JaNeece's POV)
Why didn't you tell me I could have helped you out!I know I just didn't know what to do!Baby don't cry I forgive you ok just don't his stuff from me so much ok.Ok I'm sorry I will do anything to make it up to you.Really ok I got you tonight.Ok daddy I'm gonna take a shower and take a nap.Ok sweetheart I love you.I love you too.

Thank good she didn't ask any other questions.Im surprised it went over her head about my mind linking ordeal.It whatever I'm tired as hell so I'm out.

(Unknown POV)
We have finally made it!Yes now we wait to take back what's ours!Yes let's wait some so we round up a group to help us get them back.I can finally see my girl I doesn't matter what happenes she is mine!
Now let's wait because the Royal Moon Pack doesn't know what's gonna hit them!

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