3-The beginning of something new

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(Mira's POV)
For some reason I was really excited to meet the new rouges and run aways. I could senses something that was driving me crazy because I didn't know what it was.I was thinking if all the possibilities and I just couldn't find an answer, but what ever it was better be good cuz I'm frying to have a good day today.

It was around 7:55 so I had decided to go down for breakfast early I of course wore my hood so they couldn't se my face I was sitting down and people where starting to come into the dining hall when the smell got stronger at that time was when my wolf carter started going crazy screaming Mate!,Mate!, Mate!How the hell was I supposed to know who my mate was when I was was in a Rome of probably 120 people.I got up and left to find my mother so she could answer my question.

(Alaya POV)
While I was in line to get my food my wolf ramina
Was going off the rails screaming mate over and over again I was trying to focus on something else when all over a sudden a powerful smell went through my nose causing ramina to go Wilder I was trying to calm her down causes she was giving me a headache. But she wouldn't stop.All of a sudden the king  had gotten up a just left.I didn't really care after a minute or so. But ramina started to telling me something. [You have to find our mate]And how am I supposed to do that exactly![Look around or ask others how it works.]Ok fine. I started asking around when the king came back and we we're all told to eat and when finished we needed to be put into groups and we would all be inspected.

__30 minutes later__
About 30 minutes later almost everyone was done and we where put into groups.The king talked to all of them groups mine was one if the last ones.Second to last to be exact,but then ramina started going off again saying mate as the smell was getting closer when I looked up the king was talking to my group and I looked at him.After I looked at him I put my head down and then I heard the king say MATE! When I looked up the king was right in front of me. I just froze I was sure he wasn't talking to me until he said mam raise your head when I looked up ramina yelled MATE! I had just froze in place.

(Mira's POV) aka Keenan
I looked at her and she was beautiful she had dark chocolate skin, brownish-black hair, brown eyes,and  her body looked perfect.I just wanted her to be mine forever and she was cuz she was my mate. I told the guards to take her to my office so we could speak.

When I got up there she looked confused and scared. I didn't want my mate to feel that way but I needed to ask her some questions before we could go on.
What is your name? Alaya
How old are you? 16
What made you come here? I was sick of being treated like a servant for my pack.
Do you know who I am? Yes, you are Keenan the king of the super natural world.
How do you feel about being mates with a girl?
It's fine with me I have always been open minded.
What about a intersex woman? That's fine with me.
What if you mate was a male? Not my preference I like girls way more than guys but I wouldn't mind it.
Ok good,please don't freak out when I tell you this but you are my mate.What that can't be right?Why I be your mate like seriously have you seen me and not to mention the danger I can cause.Its ok you are my mate and don't have a problem helping you on your own.By the way you are beautiful so I don't think us being mates should be a problem.Well ok.
I will have the guards put you into a room while I handle finding homes for the roughs and runaways.
Ok king.Please don't call me king call me Keenan.Ok I'm sorry.I'ts ok.

I wondered if she would accept me for me and not just as the king. After all she would be the queen. I don't like the fact that she seems so scared of me. But what can I do I have so much power of everything but I want to share my power with her and not have her scared of me for the rest of our lives. I just hope we will be able to love each other no matter what just like all my family members and there mate's.

(Alaya POV )
I was really happy that I had found my mate at such a young age I always thought it would take me years. It was really unexpected for my mate to be the king that is really scary and the fact no one has every seen his face or has talked to home for about more than one hour is even more scary because I don't know anything about him except what people have said which isn't much.all I hope is that he treats me well and not like how my old pack treated me.

After he left I was taken to this really nice bedroom it was grey white and black themed with a big bed.It was really nice considering when i was at my old pack I had gotten one of there kids old beds which was really uncomfortable to say the least.

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