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Currently perched on top of a tree branch, I overlooked the area and saw numerous members of the Akatsuki huddled together on a tree. Even members that we had once killed were now alive. My teammates and the other squads were spread out, but we communicated with one another through a wireless radio.

"Right now, we have eight of them to take down. And they all have troublesome abilities. I've memorized their stats, so I'll relay that information," spoke Shikamaru through the radio.

"Got it. Awaiting instructions."



Naruto had jumped out of his hiding spot and was now the center of attention of three Akatsuki members.

I smacked my forehead as I stared at my blonde haired teammate go against them only to be kicked to the ground by the appearance of another member, Kakuzu.

Shikakumaru had given us the order to fight and I jumped down from the tree branch and landed in front of a blue haired woman with amber eyes. Konan.

"Would you look at that, two students with the same master going up against each other. This should be fun," I smirked and watched as pieces of paper detached itself from her body. Those papers were sent my way and I made a few hand signs and blew a fireball. Those papers were burnt to a crisp and I made my way towards her and engaged in a fight.

She threw a punch and I grabbed her fist with both hands and flipped her over and threw her to the ground. She quickly got back up and Hinata had made her appearance and fought alongside me.

"Way to go (Y/n), Hinata!" Shouted Naruto as he ran past us.

A faint blush and smile appeared on Hinata's face as she quietly said his name.

"Don't be getting into any more trouble!" I shouted right back at him and turned my attention back to Konan and grabbed her incoming foot in my hand. Hinata had kicked her in the stomach and sent her back a few feet.

"Alright Hinata! I'll distract her and once you see an opening, hit her with your Twin Lion Fist. Sound good?" Hinata nodded her head in determination.

Konan and I engaged in a hand to hand combat and I was slowly getting the upper hand until Konan roughly kicked me in the chest and sent me flying towards a tree.

"(Y/n)!" Hinata ran towards me and helped me stand back up. We looked over at Konan and saw her sinking into the ground until her body completely vanished. Hinata used her Byakugan, but her chakra was gone and so were everyone else's.

"That's odd." I regrouped back with my team and found out that the same thing happened to them and our friends.


Dawn was falling upon us as we arrived back to the village from the successful mission. As we entered the main gate, everyone's parents were standing and waiting around for their teenage child. Each one of our friends ran over to their parent and animatedly chattered away with them about the mission.

Naruto and I awkwardly stood next to each other as we scanned how lively everyone appeared. There was no one here to welcome us back. All we really have is each other for support and comfort.

I kept my eyes glued to the ground with my hands behind my back as I lightly kicked at the ground with my foot. I wish mine would be standing there waiting to welcome me back with a smile and warm embrace. Even at home, there's no one to come home too. It's lonely and quiet in there. Often times, Naruto and I would welcome each other home, but it's not the same as how a parent would do it.

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