
4.1K 54 26

Word count: 3k

Requested by anon: Teaching inexperienced Peter how to kiss. Fluff.

Peter had a plan.

Ever since he knew about the science trip, Peter made a plan to confess his feelings for you. And it was perfect really, if things went the way he planned them, except they didn't.

Of course the first step failed when he had ended up sitting next to Mr. Harrington on the flight after Ned had claimed he had a perfume allergy. And of course you ended up sitting next to your ex, Brad Davis.

The Brad Davis. The once scrawny eleven year old boy, now ripped sixteen year old guy had dated you for around a year and half during the blip, since you both were part of the un dusted ones. And Peter wasn't the kind to feel intimidated by enemies, in fact he always ran in the direction of danger, but damn he felt embarrassingly intimidated by the six feet tall guy, thinking himself wouldn't be good enough for you.

Pushing those thoughts away, Peter still wanted to follow his plan and bought you a glass necklace of your favorite flower, which he was planning to give you on top of the Eiffel Tower when he confessed his feelings for you and then hopefully have his first kiss with you.

But fuck, Nick Fury had kidnapped his classmates and taken them to Prague so now he couldn't do that anymore. And not to mention how Brad was trying to get back with you, even though you had broken up almost a year ago.

He had a plan, and it didn't work.

Which brings us to Peter anxiously pacing back and forth in his fancy room, running a hand through his already messy hair every few minutes as he struggled to calm himself down.

"What am I going to do" He mumbled to himself, starting between the little box that contained the necklace and the black suit Fury had gave him on top of the bed.

Peter was about to have an existential crisis, because it doesn't matter how selfish he sounded at the moment, he didn't want to fight some monster in his vacations, he just wanted to be with you. And that was practically impossible, considering he had to confront a the fire elemental that night which meant Brad would try to get close to you.

He was startled when he heard an almost inaudible knock on his door, stopping his pacing to half open the door as to not reveal his suit on the bed, and was surprised when he found you on the other side of the door.

You nervously stood outside Peter's room, you noticed how he had been acting weird and paranoid the whole trip, and you were honestly concerned about his wellbeing. Not to mention, you haven't spent much time together and you were starting to miss him.

"Oh ... hi Y/n" Peter nervously greeted you, trying to act casual by leaning on the side of the door. "What brings you here?" He curiously asked, as he was genuinely not expecting you out of all people to look for him.

"I ... can I come in?" You slowly asked, preparing yourself to hear the rejection from him, when his eyes widened in what seemed to be ... excitement?

"Yeah s-sure" He immediately agreed, clearing his throat when he realized he sounded way too eager. "Just uhm, wait a second" He said before closing the door.

You were taken aback by the sudden move, unbeknownst to Peter behind the door webbing the suit and quickly hiding it behind the room's closet. He also webbed the box with the necklace and hid it in one of the drawers.

He opened the door again and moved to the side to let you in, and you took a deep breath as you walked inside his room. You awkwardly stood in front of each other after he softly closed the door behind him.

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