
2.4K 36 5

Word count: 3.5k

Description: On a mission with the team, you get mind controlled by HYDRA and attack Peter. Angst.

You had one mission, and it was the only thing repeating over and over again in your head.

Kill spiderman
Kill spiderman
Kill spiderman

A wave of coldness ran through your body, your hands slightly trembled. You didn't remember your name, or why you were in that military base in the first place. The only thing you knew was you were suited up and you had a mission, the small white 'A' embroidered in the side of your suit caught your attention, but you couldn't figure out what it stood for.

You couldn't hear anything other than a raspy voice with an accent ordering you to kill the man in a red and blue suit. Sometimes a faint desperate voice told you to stop, the voice sounded familiar but you pushed it back, there was no time for distractions.

You had to kill spiderman.

It didn't take long before you found the infamous man, although when you approached him and he spoke his voice sounded very teenager like. What was your age again? You couldn't figure that out either. That didn't matter anyways, you were on a mission.

The whole thing was almost blurry and too quick, one second you were in front of him and the other you already had the upper hand on the fight. You noticed your strength matched his, so you took advantage of that. He wasn't really fighting back though, he was pulling his punches and holding back. You didn't understand why.

"What the hell are you doing Y/n?" He desperately asked, but you just punched him again.

His voice was extremely familiar, and who the hell was Y/n? The raspy voice in your head quickly blocked further thoughts, so you kicked the guy this time.

He tried to defend himself with some sort of web fluid, but you were quick to crush the devices on his wrist with your own hands.

"You need to stop, I don't know what's wrong with you" He said, trying to evade your hits, but you were quick.

You suddenly remembered a move and jumped on his shoulders, wrapping your legs around his neck and hitting his head with your elbows. You were sure someone had taught you that but couldn't remember who.

"Stop this! I don't want to hurt you" He begged, why didn't he just shut up?

He held up quite well to your attacks, but since he wasn't exactly defending himself his body was slowly giving up.

The rest of the fight was quick, the more you hit him the more the raspy voice repeated itself in your head. You felt high, your vision was blurry yet you kept fighting, as if you were a muppet and someone else was controlling your movements, punches and kicks.

You couldn't stop until you killed him.

"Y/n stop! please. You know who I am ... love please don't do this" The guy kept begging, was he crying? You couldn't tell since the mask covered his face.

Love? The more familiar the voice sounded, the more you pushed it to the back of your head. Couldn't he shut up? You sure as hell couldn't stop yourself.

You were sure you shot him at least once, or perhaps stabbed him? Maybe both. You didn't even know where the blood was coming from.

"This is not you" He panted, spitting blood on the floor and clutching his side. "I'm not gonna fight you"

"As you wish" You replies, your low voice gave him chills.

You finally threw him to the ground, his head hitting the floor with a loud thud. He was so weak, he could barely lift his arms to stop you from choking him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2020 ⏰

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