Countdown kisses

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Word count: 2.1k

Description: The team had a plan to set you and Peter together at the New Year's Eve party, to the point where you find yourselves running to each other as the countdown takes place.

The avengers had a mission. An extracurricular one, but a mission nonetheless.

Why? Because they were tired. Tired of seeing you and Peter share lovesick looks, brief hand touches here and there and the innocent flirting that happened everyday yet it never went anywhere.

You guys just never made an actual move to date.

It was cute at first to be honest, but as time went by it only got annoying how you guys wouldn't get together even when they could see from miles away how much you loved each other. To say they all shipped you as a couple was an understatement, they even seemed high school girls gossiping about every time they saw you interact together.

"I swear to god Tony, if they don't make a move on each other soon I will tie them together until they kiss"

"Calm down Romanoff, we ain't forcing anyone here ... but you're damn right, they're driving me crazy. Like just kiss already!"

So yeah, they had enough and decided to take it upon themselves to bring you both together. After a long meeting – yes, a meeting because this was important business — discussing about what to do, the plan was originated by Wanda's idea.

"Let's just separate them for a while. They will miss each other so bad they'll need to confess how they feel when they finally reunite"

It was simple, yet effective. With the annual 'Stark's New Year's Eve celebration' being the ultimate goal where you would reunite, the avengers made sure to keep you both busy the whole week prior to that.

From 'Peter we need to upgrade your iron suit' to 'Parker come with me I need to shop a new suit for the party. If you behave I'll get you one' Tony managed to have Peter spend as less time —more like none— as possible with you.

Hell, they had even gotten May into the whole ambush, and she was more than happy to help.

The girls also kept you busy with increased training hours and unnecessary shopping for the party. And of course, let's not forget the sudden numerous missions you both had to attend.

Separately, obviously.

As oblivious as you were to each other's love, you were equally oblivious to the plan your team had. The fact that you couldn't remember the last time you watched a movie with Peter — something you used to do almost every day – or even shared a word with him was weird and saddening to you, yet you didn't suspect for a second your friends were the ones behind it.

The shift in your emotions didn't go unnoticed by the girls, especially by Wanda who could sense how your feelings and nostalgia for Peter increased the more you were apart. And viceversa, because no matter how much Peter denied it, sometimes he just wanted to ditch Mr. Stark's plans and just be with you.

The infamous New Year's eve party finally came after an exhausting week, for both parts, and this was supposed to be the night you would confess your feelings for each other.


You weren't aware of that just yet, which is why you were confused when Natasha brought to your room an elegant black gown instead of the simple dress you had agreed to wear before. You didn't fight it though, because if one thing was clear for you since you became an avenger, it was that you never said no to Natasha. Ever.

The dress wasn't even that bad to be honest, perhaps a bit tight around some areas, yet it still made you feel hot in it.

And you wished Peter could see that.

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