The Inevitable (Stark!reader)

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Word count: 3.6k

Description: Even five years after the blip, you're willing to do anything to protect your loved ones, even if it meant sacrificing yourself for the greater good.

Even after five years had passed, you still remembered that day so clearly. The day hell began. The day your father and your boyfriend had left the earth on an alien ship and went missing. You were terrified for them, and hell, you were pissed off at Friday who shut down your suit so you couldn't follow them.

That same day you had fought alongside your friends in the battle of Wakanda, you put up a pretty good fight against Thanos, you even managed to get a drop of blood from him until he decided to play dirty to distract you.

"You know, your father also managed to make me bleed" He said and wiped the blood off his forehead, and you stopped right on your tracks at the mention of your dad. "You Starks keep surprising with your little toys" he chuckled and grabbed you by the neck, taking advantage of your sudden distraction.

"At least we c-create our own w-weapons" You argued having a hard time to breathe, your Stark attitude showing up. "I don't r-rely on l-little stones"

He just tightened his grip and left you struggling as you tried to blast him with the reactor on your chest, but in a matter of seconds he ripped it off with his power stone, causing your nano suit to vanish and leaving you in your civilian clothes.

"These little stones defeated your father you ignorant creature"

"What d-did you do to h-him?" You asked, fear was evident on your eyes and your face turned red as the oxygen barely got to your lungs.

"The same as that spider kid, such a shame, I'm sure they were good people"

That damn day you had believed they were both dead, and when everyone else started to vanish from the snap you felt yourself dying on the inside. The avengers were torn, devastated at the loss, yet you all went back to the compound to somehow find some comfort. You were lucky you still had Pepper with you, even if she wasn't your biological mother she tried to be there for you, but you spent days locked in your room crying and denying what had happened. The pain was overwhelming, and you just wished you would've been part of the dusted ones.

21 days passed until Captain Danvers brought your father home and you realized how Thanos lied to you about killing him, and you couldn't feel more defeated. When your dad informed you about Peter you had one of the most severe anxiety attacks you've ever experienced, since your body was going through a lot of emotions from just welcoming your father to confirming the love of your life's death.

Peter had been there for you since day one, always stumbling on his own words when being around you. He was the light of your life, always making you laugh and helping you with your mental issues. He loved how he could be himself around you, being nerds in the lab and talking about sci-fi movies all day. You both felt as the other was your soulmate, that it was meant to be. All of the avengers were admired by you, you taught them how strong young love could be. So how come the universe was so mean to break both of you apart?

You didn't know how but you managed to sneak out in the mission to retreat the stones from Thanos, hoping you would be the one to kill his pathetic ass. The others noticed you when you were already on the planet, so there was no option but bringing you with them.

When Thanos admitted to have destroyed the stones you were fuming, yet the others scared implied that he might be lying.

"My father is many things, but he's not a liar" Nebula stated and you just bitterly chuckled.

Everyone looked at you expectantly as you walked directly in front on him, Thor put a hand in front of you to stop you from getting too close, but you just kept focused on your target.

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