I could never forget you

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Word count: 2.9k

Description: After years of mourning and people telling you to move on from the blip, Peter and you finally reunite since he vanished five years ago.

*Flashbacks are in italics

Peter Parker was your very first love, and you never imagined you would have to live one day without him, much less five years. Since you started dating his whole world revolved around you, and the way he looked at you? It was like he stared at the entire universe being held by your eyes. Every kiss, every touch, always so special, so passionate you never got tired of each other. You both were inseparable. The kind of high school couple that swears they'll be together their whole lives.

But all of that stopped with a single snap.

Five years ago Peter Parker was taken, ripped away from you. The love of your life was gone, along with 3.5 billion people because of a damn snap. The whole world was torn, everyone lost someone, everyone was broken. You were broken and lonely, with just the memory of what Peter and you used to have.

You mourned him for a long time, the five stages of grief really were a pain in the ass to get through. Some would say five years are enough to forget someone, to move on and continue with life, but everyone recovered differently. Because, how could you forget the way Peter squinted his eyes when he laughed? how could you forget about the way his eyes shined every time he talked about something he loved? how could you forget about how cute his messy curls looked in the morning after he woke up? How could you, his best girl, his darling, forget about the way his hands tenderly caressed your body as his lips devoured you everyday?

How could you even dare to think about forgetting Peter Parker?

So you certainly didn't, the thought of him was always a part of your day. And even though you didn't cry anymore, even though it didn't hurt as much now, you still replayed in your head the last time you had seen him as one of your most treasured memories.

"Peter stop, you can't leave a mark now" You giggled as your boyfriend left soft wet kisses on your neck while you played with his brown curls.

You both had managed to ask for a bathroom pass and sneak into the janitor's closet – very classy – to make out before Peter left for the school trip, one you wouldn't be able to go to because you didn't share that class with Peter, and your trip was set for another day.

"I just can't seem to stop, darling" Peter chuckled and stopped for a second to give you a smirk, to then continue playing with your neck.

You laughed again, at first glance you wouldn't think Peter Parker would sneak out with a girl to make out during class, but what wouldn't that boy do for you.

"Baby, you know how much I love it, but..." You slurred and pushed his chest with your hands to stop him, to which he pouted and crossed his arms. "Oh come on love, we'll have more time later, in a more comfortable place" You said as you pointed out the cleaning supplies around you.

"I know, I just needed to kiss my girl before I left. You have no idea how you light up my day" He admitted and your eyes softened as he cupped your cheeks in his hands, you put yours on top of his. "I just love you so much, you know that right?" He asked and even though the room had poor illumination, you could still see the admiring gaze he was giving you.

One thing you loved about him is that he always made sure you knew how much you meant to him.

"Yes Peter, I know" You smiled and gave his right hand a side kiss, to which he smiled back. "And you know I love you just as much, you make me so happy" You affirmed and pecked his lips. You both enjoyed that moment for a bit, until Peter's watch alarm went off.

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