Ten percent (Stark!Reader)

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Word count: 6.5k

Description: You've been sick for past year and everyone in the tower knows except for Peter. When he accidentally finds out, he's not very supportive on your medical decisions.

Warnings: Angst (mostly), fluff. Mentions of cancer, tumors and seizures. I got this idea watching grey's anatomy so I'm sorry for any medical inaccuracy or exaggeration.

"I'm very sorry Miss, but after analyzing your studies I've come to the conclusion that there's no way I can safely remove that tumor. I suggest you stick to the chemotherapy treatment from now on and hope for the best" The surgeon informed as you clenched your teeth a little tighter.

"Are you completely and utterly sure?" Tony questioned running a hand through his hair from the stress.

"Mr. Stark with all due respect I believe I am the doctor here, I already informed you there's only a ten percent chance of survival probability with this procedure, it's way too risky for the patient and for my own reputation" He concluded and silence filled the room.

You rolled your eyes in exasperation and felt thankful you were giving your back to them, leaning on a desk with your knuckles turning white from how strong you were gripping it. He was the eleventh neurosurgeon that rejected your case, because apparently the chances of removing the tumor in your head without leaving you paralyzed or brain dead were small to nonexistent, and none of the doctors were brave enough to even try because of their so called reputation.

"Thank you for your time Dr. Graham, we'll make sure she follows the treatment from here" Bruce politely answered upon noticing your lack of response, and guided him towards the exit of your lab. Well, 'your lab' as you liked to call it, even though it was more like your personalized hospital room in the tower that your dad and Bruce had adapted for your treatments and meetings with Doctors, since your father refused to intern you in a hospital. When Bruce and the doctor were gone you were still facing the wall, and Tony carefully walked towards you and rested a hand on your shoulders.

"Hope for the best dad? He pretty much gave me a death sentence and I'm supposed to hope for the best? This is ridiculous" You sighed refusing to turn around, you couldn't bare to look into his pity eyes.

"Don't say that darling, I've got three more neurosurgeons we can call, this is not the en–"

"Stop, please just stop" You begged as you punched the desk, he took the hand off your shoulder and you heard him sigh this time. "I'm sorry dad, I know you've got me the best doctors from around the world, but they'll just keep rejecting me so please just stop for a moment" You instantly apologized and decided to finally turn around.

Tony didn't think he could break more when he heard you being rejected by another doctor, but when he saw your fearful face his heart ached once more. Your teary eyes reflected all the pain your body and soul were going through, your lip was quivering and trying to keep in the sobs that threatened to come out. He hadn't seen you cry in a while, he deeply admired your strength, you always faced your sickness with bravery, but not this time. He decided to hug you and you gratefully buried yourself in your father's arms.

Tony tried his best to be strong for you and give you hope, you were his little girl and seeing you break in front on him more and more everyday gave him the strength to keep fighting and not give up on you. So of course ever since you got diagnosed Tony made sure you always had the best doctors to take care of you. Because what is worse than having cancer? Having a daughter with cancer.

"You have to call Stephen Strange again" You broke the silence and felt him tense in your arms.

"Y/n, he already said no" He separated from you and exhaled deeply. "And I'm not sure we should keep going on with this, sweetheart it's way too dangerous and I can't loose you like that"

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