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~Violet's POV~

I rushed towards my mate and broke the chains. I checked her pulse. It was still there but it was slowing down. I slipped off my hoodie and pulled it over her unconscious body so I can take her to the hospital.

'Meet me at the hospital. Asap!' I mink-linked Kai.

I ran towards the hospital and we got there in 3 minutes. The nurses took her from me and placed her on a stretcher. They prohibited me from going in while they got her ready. I paced around the waiting room until Kai came.

"Violet, is everything alright?" He asked as he sat down in one of the empty chairs by the back.

'No. Our mate might die in there!' My wolf shouted.

"My mate is in there." I sighed, putting my head in my hands.

"Violet! That's amazing! We have a luna." He exclaimed.

"She might not make it," I whispered.

"I know she will. She has to. I can't deal with you alone." He said pulling me into a hug and laughing at the last words.

"Shut up." I laughed.

"Do you wanna grab dinner?" He asked.

"Um," I sighed, "sure."

"I know you don't want to be far away from her, so let's just go to the cafeteria." He suggested as we began walking.

"Ok," I gave him a slight smile.


"So make sure you bring some paperwork. I don't know how long we will have to be here." I explained to Kai.

"Ok. And your clothes will all be here later tonight."

"See you." I waved goodbye to Kai.

"Alpha Violet?" One of the nurses called out to me.

"Yes?" I asked when I came closer to the nurse.

"She's stable now, but still unconscious. Your welcome to stay with her. She should wake up by tomorrow. Her body was weaker due to starvation. So we had to give her a lacropohane shot. It should help restore some of her energy. She's on an IV now that's giving her nutrients. If you need anything, I will be here until tomorrow morning." She explained while we walked to her room.

"Thank you," I told her before entering the room.

It wasn't fun seeing my mate attached to a machine. The only good thing from the machine was heading her heath beat. I pulled up a chair and sat down by her bed. I wanted to hold her hand, but I didn't want to scare her.

I hope she wants this. For me to be her mate, for her to become luna, for us to live together. For life, I guess.

A knock on the door brought me out of it. Kai's face emerged and he showed me a small backpack.

"I put some snacks in there, just in case." He smiled.

"Thanks," I took the bag from his hand and set it on the floor beside me.

"I can help with some paperwork." He offered his help, but I declined him. He left and I was left alone with some paperwork.

The next morning, she was still unconscious, but the nurses said she should be waking up soon. They gave her 2 more doses of lacropohane as well as an emergency dose for me to keep.

It was already after dinner and she still wasn't awake. The doctors assured she would be awake by tonight, but I was growing impatient. My wolf was on edge as she wanted for her to be safe.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐋𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐑𝐎𝐆𝐔𝐄Where stories live. Discover now