Horrortale Sans x Reader (SIN) Lemon!

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As requested by xxxvulpixxxxx!

Y/N= Your Name 


In the woods you were walking... looking for your friend Sans... He's been your friend for a while now, he's always so nice to you!  But one minor problem, you had developed a crush on him... But little did you know, he had a crush on you~ 

Anyways... you were walking to find your friend Sans flipping his ax in the air and leaning against a tree, surprisingly, he was really good at catching the handle of the ax. He was also humming a familiar tune. 

"hm hm hm hmm hmm hmm hm hm hm hm hm hm"  

He hummed, still  flipping his ax in the air, catching it perfectly. 

"Hey Horror!" 

He stopped what he was doing, and turned only his head and eyes to look at you...


He said excitedly, pushing himself off the tree to go towards you and hug you. You hugged him back slightly blushing as he hugged you. 

"...what's the occasion...?" 

"Oh, nothing...just wanted a hug..." 

"...sounds sketchy, you okay..?" 

Little did you know he was kinda horny at the time you arrived...

"Yeah! I promise!" 


You said, then noticing a red bulge in his pants. "shit." You thought, "He's fucking horny." You didn't mind though, you had wanted some attention~ 

"Your little friend looks like he needs some company~" 

You said, pointing at his boxers, where the bulge is...


He looks down, now seeing a glowing, bright red in his pants. He adjusted himself, causing you to blush a little. 

"Umm..........you- you wanna h-help me?"


You answered immediately, kissing him passionately. 


He moaned into the kiss, he had thought about this for a long time. Being touched by you, hearing your moans, hearing you scream his name while he fucked you hard.  

"Do me, right now~" 

You begged, you had wanted this too, but not in the ways he wanted you. He picked you up and teleported to his room, putting you softly on his bed. He kept kissing you this whole time, he soon stopped and pinned you down, and started arousing your breasts. This caused you to "accidentally" moan loudly. His cock started to grow and poke your womanhood~ 


You moaned. He wanted you so bad, so bad that he tore off your pants and underwear and started to lick your soaking pussy~ 

"Mm~ You taste good~" 


You moaned again, wanting him to take you already~. He continued licking you for a few minutes, earning ear-pleasuring moans escape from your mouth. He stopped when you were close to your overpowering climax, got up and took off his boxers to reveal and hard ectoplasmic cock, that was dripping with precum. He put is dripping cock on your dripping entry waiting for you to command him~ 


He moaned, feeling how hot you were, and he wasn't even inside you yet! 

"Go ahead~ I'm waiting~" 

You said, he wasted no time what-so-ever to thrust deep inside you.While waiting for you to tell him when to move, he ran his fingers over both of your covered rock hard nipples. 


"F-FUCK~! y-your...t-tight~!" 

He moaned, while inside you. He tore off your shirt and bra, and due to the coldness of Sans room, once your nipples were exposed to the cold, they hardened even more. He squeezed your nipples, causing you to moan loudly. 

"AH~ SANS~" 

You moaned, causing Sans to go deeper inside you~ 


He grunted.  

"Y-you can move~" 

You moaned out, he started thrusting right after. 


He moaned within each thrust, this made you tighten even more. 

"A-Ah~ Sans~!" 

You moaned, making him thrust faster. 

"Make me yours~!" 

"I will~"

He moaned loudly, Cumming inside your tight, soaking hot hole. You came the same time, both of you moaning eachothers names very loudly.

He sat next to you, and you two went to take a shower.


You took his hand and led him to the shower, stepping in, since you were already naked, of course he had to take off his jacket, shirt, shoes and socks.
He steped in after you and turned on the shower, hot and soothing water hitting each of your hot and sexy body's. Unfortunately, Horror's seed filled you so much, that it actually leaked down your legs! But then again  you were in the shower looking at Horror the whole time, so you didn't care! You kissed him, and soon enough you too were making out. Moaning into some of each others deep and passionate kisses.
He washed your back, and you moaned because of how sensative your back was... you washed his spine and inbetween the shower he licked your hot, pussy, and you sucked his hard, red, ecto-plasmic cock...

816 Words...

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